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  1. Scott Miller

    New Design SGX 90/101 Boat with CMDi Carbon Fiber Cowling

    Nice! Are the sponsons longer also?
  2. Scott Miller

    liquidation sale

    Item #15, what are the dimensions of the JAE 45 tank?
  3. Scott Miller

    Happy Birthday John Knight

    Happy Birthday John!
  4. Scott Miller

    Picco .67 carb

    Ken, Not sure if the k&b carbs I have are what your looking for but I have two. One is for the 7.5 and the other is for the .67, .82, .91. Both of these have a neck diameter of .625 Let me know can send you pictures if you like Scott
  5. Scott Miller

    Mac 45 New Idea

    Turned my laptop on its side, man I miss running boats in Alaska. This looks promising for the first try Charlie.
  6. Scott Miller

    Mac 45 New Idea

    Charlie, your video is set as "private". Go to youtube and reset as "public". Looking forward to seeing your video results. Scott
  7. Scott Miller

    video test of mono

    Sounds good David. Looking forward to seeing your boat in the water!
  8. Scott Miller

    1994/95/96 Smokin Joe's

    Got it the first time Ray...LOL 1/8 scale but looks just like the full scale hydro!
  9. Scott Miller

    It's true, it's true......the RUMOR is blue!

    Does anyone have any videos yet to post of this new model? I'm interested but want to see one in action first.
  10. Scott Miller

    Pipe setting RoadRunner 60/80

    Thank for the info gents!
  11. Scott Miller

    Pipe setting RoadRunner 60/80

    Mark I have 3H 38's and 1H 32 unfortunately I don't know the numbers for any of them but I'll give them a try thanks
  12. Scott Miller

    Pipe setting RoadRunner 60/80

    Gents, I am in process of building a Roadrunner 60 rigger with the following set up: CMB 67 HR H-38 prop AB parabolic pipe or CMB 60/80 pipe 50% nitro What is a good starting point for the tuned pipe (each choice)? Thanks Scott
  13. Scott Miller

    CMB 91HRs

    Tom, I am currently running the 91HR. Still a very competitive engine (with light modification) in my opinion. You can install a VAC front housing on your HR if you want. 1667 prop is my favorite. Scott
  14. Scott Miller


    Ray, I know you were trying to provide some comic relief but I hope you didn't just piss Andy off! LOL!!
  15. Scott Miller

    More Props

    Chuck, I'll take the Prather 255 and the h 38. Let me know your address and I'll send you a check. Scott
  16. Scott Miller

    4pl 4ch rx for sale

    Jeremy, will these work with the 2.4 FASST system?