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  1. F

    CMB 91H

    Hey Bob is this what your looking for ?. Conventional style drum setup in new 91HR engine !!! Tony
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    Legg Lake Time Trials 18th-20th

    Mark, I had to redo my video at very Low resolution to post here under the 200kb limit. Attached is a clip of Mark Grim's A-Hydro SAW pass of 103.6 mph. Tony Grinter
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    WTB CMB 90 Evo2 Piston

    Johno , Hobby Supplies (Australia) has original CMB manufactured 90 EVO2 pistons in stock. Phone: (03) 9722-2663.
  4. F


    Mick J. This discussion should never have started in the manner it did and any person being ridiculed should have the right of reply. It’s also not right that people are editing or deleting messages when they have changed there minds about a post or covering something up. Regards, Tony
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    Your a lying ass Winks. Last year when I assisted you with the faulty CMB 45 engines you purchased from Tidewater you told me you registered as "craig". Also look at your previous "graig" posts and the history confirms this. Stop the B.S. Regards, Tony Grinter
  6. F


    What a disgraceful exhibition some Australian model boaters have made on this thread. I’m amazed by the amount of bad comments and cheap swipes being made by non competing attendees at this SAW meeting but more so from Interstaters that did not attend. Craig (aka Winksy), why make comments...