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  1. jimv

    boat pics

    Glenn, sorry, I don't have any photos of the Smirnoff from '68. I do believe that the graphic on the front cowl is the Smirnoff Vodka graphic. Check online to see if there are any references to old bottle lablels. If I come across something I'll post it. JimV
  2. jimv

    Picco 80 - not exr

    Is this sold? How old? Early to mid 90's? I suppose it has compression? Any mods to liner / piston? Jim Vota
  3. jimv

    Dewalt pictures(needed)got them thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry - no overheads, but a few photos of the Dewalt. Most of the pictures for this boat went to Charlie Grooms on the team. See the photo gallery - jimv - Dewalt Jim Vota
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  9. jimv

    boat pics

    OK guys, I really didn't take too many good quality photos before I got some good camera equipment in '85. I do have some pics. from earlier, but they are hit and miss. With that said, I'll check to see what I have for some earlier boats, like the Pay n Pak rigger I posted. The Coral Reef, I...
  10. pay n pak046.jpg

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    pay n pak047.jpg

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    pay n pak049.jpg

    hey - give me abreak, I was 14 with a box camera
  14. jimv

    boat pics

    I have taken lots of photos in boat racing. Look in the picture gallery under jimv for some examples. Can you guys make some suggestions of boats that you like to see pictures posted for. I will be willing to post some in the gallery for your personal use as reference for the scale boats...
  15. jimv

    FE Rigger Sets The Bar High!

    How old are you Bob? :P (Noah, I want you to build an arc ..... What's a cubit?) These numbers are really great! You get the boat lined up and hold on tight. Not much time to think or react. Congratulations! Jim Vota
  16. jimv

    Whiplash Sport20 goes 100mph

    Phenomenal! Congratulations!
  17. 7-11.jpg


  18. winston lobster boat.jpg

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    Jim Kropfeld's least favorite ride
  19. bud 87.jpg

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    Budweiser Miami
  20. Bud boats.jpg

    Bud boats.jpg
