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  1. Greg Hahn

    Rear Hydro Sponsons

    Dave, simply put (and I know I'm going to get hammered on this one) the larger a JAE gets, the more important length aft of CG is. for your gas JAE to get running good you need more "wheel base" aft for stability and weight.
  2. Greg Hahn

    Rear Hydro Sponsons

    totally agree. I was commenting on the "why" extending the strut way past the rears could cost speed in the corners.
  3. Greg Hahn

    Looking for two AB 67/80 black pipes.

    I've used both and haven't noticed much difference with same stinger diameters. the Black will hold heat better if you need it, but as power and fuel the same. gh
  4. Greg Hahn

    Rear Hydro Sponsons

    I look at a boat hull as an Airplane that skimms the water, problem comes when cornering the water becomes a "limiting surface" unlike in the air we can't change the angle of lift or the center of pressure by "banking" our boats in the corner. since we must make lateral turns against a limiting...
  5. Greg Hahn

    prop guard boat stands

    Many of the prop guards I've seen in the past would make the boat difficult to get off the stand and could damage the running gear?? If you pay attention to what you're doing and be aware of your surroundings there should be no problem in the hot pits. There's way more danger in carrying a...
  6. Greg Hahn

    Happy Birthday Olly

    don't they say 65 is the new 55!! have a good one bud! be safe g
  7. Greg Hahn

    Still Scratchbuilding??

    Yes the minor sponsor decals change like the wind on this boat! when it arrived Thursday afternoon in Madison it was completely clean only Qatar, Numbers and dots. then every day a couple were added to the rear of the scoop and then the bottom of the right vertical. nothing on the left side...
  8. Greg Hahn

    Still Scratchbuilding??

    Oh the dew is there somewhere..............;-)
  9. Greg Hahn

    Still Scratchbuilding??

    At Madison ( I'm lucky enough to attend every year) which was the first race for the new scheme (same boat) as 2011, they ran the fin in practice Friday and then took it off and ran without it the rest of the weekend. They didn't run a fin at all in 2011. I noticed later in the year they...
  10. Right Rear (2)

    Right Rear (2)

  11. Top Left

    Top Left

  12. Right Front

    Right Front

  13. Left Front

    Left Front

  14. Greg Hahn

    Still Scratchbuilding??

    Snowed in here in Indiana thought I'd take advantage of the "free" day to get some boat work done. Received my graphics from Mike Monday and couldn't put it off any longer............. almost ready for clear coat...........!!!
  15. Greg Hahn

    *** Twin RoadRunner *** XMASS SPECIAL ***

    just talked to her on the cell........................;-)
  16. Greg Hahn

    Date Set for the first annual "Irwin Cup"

    Norris, give me Ballard's full name and state and I'll check. gh
  17. Greg Hahn

    IMPBA Sport 20/40 2012 Rule Proposal, Author Needs Input Please

    Not totally up on all the fuss but don't forget you still have to drive it and keep it running...............there's a lot more to this game than where the strut sits!!! the hull definition, that's as Mikey would put it a "spirit of the class" thing gh
  18. Greg Hahn

    2013 D-14 Schedule

    July 26 - 30 g