oh well **** off then you stupid greedy *****
Gee, sorry you feel that way.....this place is the 'holy grail' for virtually anything rc boating related.
I guarantee you, whatever issues you're having, they pale compared to my medical issues/costs. Yet, I can still muster the wherewithal to throw IW some money once a year, and take some losses on engines, hardware, boats, etc., to those in need.
Sure, we're a bunch of characters here, but we're a community- first, and foremost.
Quite frankly, if I were an Admin/Mod here, and you brought your brand of attitude, you'd be swiftly shown the door- for good.
If you're going to squawk over an annual $20 fee, r/c boats are out of your financial wheelhouse....maybe you'd be better served buying some coloring books and a box of generic Crayola's to entertain yourself.