Why does this forum shake down new members for money constantly??


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im also 47 and on disability. yet I found a way to give a lousy $10. forums cost money IDK if you are new to the internet or what but this is normal.
no it is not normal and good for you glad you have been fortunate. Mum just died of cancer and all my money went on the funeral.
A shake down?? Really? Do you think this forum runs on rainbows and unicorn farts? The site owners look for help to try to minimize resorting to selling advertising space (which they still need to do but you can opt out of seeing unlike other sites) and contrary to what you think is in fact common on private forums which is exactly what this is. Your reply to the message you received today was childish, I'm betting you didn't attempt to respond to first one on Aug 27th where you could have simply stated you can't afford to help at this time which probably would have negated the second message. Take a deep breath and chill out. This site is a wealth of information with many of us running and racing for decades, there are over 5 thousand members and almost 85 thousand threads so plenty of traffic with or without you. If my reply seems harsh so be it, you hit a nerve starting this thread.
oh well **** off then you stupid greedy cunts
Gee, sorry you feel that way.....this place is the 'holy grail' for virtually anything rc boating related.

I guarantee you, whatever issues you're having, they pale compared to my medical issues/costs. Yet, I can still muster the wherewithal to throw IW some money once a year, and take some losses on engines, hardware, boats, etc., to those in need.

Sure, we're a bunch of characters here, but we're a community- first, and foremost.

Quite frankly, if I were an Admin/Mod here, and you brought your brand of attitude, you'd be swiftly shown the door- for good.

If you're going to squawk over an annual $20 fee, r/c boats are out of your financial wheelhouse....maybe you'd be better served buying some coloring books and a box of generic Crayola's to entertain yourself.

Man Up.jpg
I don't think he realizes how life would be without this site for information. We don't have magazines to learn tips and tricks anymore. Just the search function is worth donating a little money towards. Let alone being able to ask a question and have it answered very quickly by some of the best builders/ boat runners around. I hate to see someone feel so negative about such a great thing. I guess you cant please everyone.
I would like to defend the use of the Forum. I've been in this hobby since 1969. Of course there was no forums back then. A new boat or engine would come out, you would buy it only to find out you spent x amount dollars for a lemon. All knowledge back then came via trial and error on how to get a particular hull or engine running competitively. I can't tell you how many bad hulls and engines I bought that didn't meet the hype the manufacturers would spread. So f you want to be competitive or just have a decent running boat, then listen to what the knowledgeable boaters know and pass on in the forum. Today the easiest and fastest way to get the information is through this forum. Sorry you can't see the advantage of being a part of this this forum.
Let's see, dear... colleague?... I doubt very much that this is the first forum in which you participate; there are many good ones and others bad and expensive.
All of them need to pay their expenses with what they manage to get through advertising or membership registration.
In the case of the forum in question, all of us, ALL OF US KNOW that, if you can help, you help... there will be people who can donate more money than others; there will be others (like in my case) who can only contribute with a little donation money.
Now, a very personal observation: you should read very carefully the posts referring to HOW TO POSTS A QUESTION... it should be done with respect and tranquility; with help and appropriate language.
THIS IS NOT YOUR CASE. IF THIS SEEMS TO YOU TO BE A FORUM THAT SCAMS, LEAVE US... I assure you that we will not miss you, at all!!
As an aussie I am also amazed at the negative connotations Americans seem to have for what we consider the mild S word. We have no such compunction in Oz. A typical example "Gooday mate how's the new boat going - s***house mate can't get the f***ing thing started."

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