Was Donald Trump right? Is the mainstream media really "Fake News"?


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It was so refreshing to see that the VP candidate was chosen for merit, character, experience, intelligence, patriotism, excellence and work ethic and not because of the form of the junk between their legs, or the color of their skin.

that Im not too sure about. Vance is highly connected to Palantir and Peter Thiel. Palantir has an internal motto of "The CIA is a front for Palantir" they are extremely suspect company tied deeply to israeli intelligence. Vance called trump "americas hitler."

many are speculating that because trump is now taking AIPAC-Israel money his hand was forced into picking Vance. the same goes for his sudden disavowing of project 2025 which the left were freaking out about because it is a coalition of actual real conservatives and loyalists that had 5,000 people ready to staff his new administration. The people who just won the internal war with trump over project 2025 are uniparty deep state types. He's literally making the same mistakes all over again.
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that Im not too sure about. Vance is highly connected to Palantir and Peter Thiel. Palantir has an internal motto of "The CIA is a front for Palantir" they are extremely suspect company tied deeply to israeli intelligence. Vance called trump "americas hitler."

many are speculating that because trump is now taking AIPAC-Israel money his hand was forced into picking Vance. the same goes for his sudden disavowing of project 2025 which the left were freaking out about because it is a coalition of actual real conservatives and loyalists that had 5,000 people ready to staff his new administration. The people who just won the internal war with trump over project 2025 are uniparty deep state types. He's literally making the same mistakes all over again.
I don't like or understand some things he's doin right now. Especially on abortion. That said, I have been following trump every since he wrote his book. When he makes a mistake and he's made many including loosing millions, he never makes the same mistake twice. He just comes back smarter and more determined. I guarantee he has a plan and the right people picked for his administration...well, except for maybe bruce Jenner.
I don't like or understand some things he's doin right now. Especially on abortion. That said, I have been following trump every since he wrote his book. When he makes a mistake and he's made many including loosing millions, he never makes the same mistake twice. He just comes back smarter and more determined. I guarantee he has a plan and the right people picked for his administration...well, except for maybe bruce Jenner.
When I saw this had happened all I could think was his team saying. We just won the election to themselves.
I don't like or understand some things he's doin right now. Especially on abortion. That said, I have been following trump every since he wrote his book. When he makes a mistake and he's made many including loosing millions, he never makes the same mistake twice. He just comes back smarter and more determined. I guarantee he has a plan and the right people picked for his administration...well, except for maybe bruce Jenner.
reince priebus, christopher wray, mark miley, gina haspel, amy comey barrett, mark scott, mike pompeo, rex tillerson, he's about the absolute worst track record for his cabinet picks. It wasnt long ago he was out promoting the vaccine, even. As of right now Lindsey Graham is part of his campaign. he's also rumored to have guaranteed a seat for Nikki Haley for her endorsement.
no friends
no social media
no political statements ever made
nobody knows anything about him
registers as a republican right before shooting the president
secret service leaves roof with a ladder 150 yards away unattended
no one reacts even as crowd sees the guy
they dont shoot him until he gets 7 rounds off
setup snipers looking directly at him


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Does anyone really think a highly trained federal secret service agent is going to post this on a social media platform and throw away his career? Not logical. Elected officials are the ones who get away with conspiracy theories without repercussions.
Dont you mean the Media are the ones who get away with conspiracy theories without repercussions?

-russian collusion
-hunters laptop was "russian disinfo"
-trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
-jussie smollett
-bubba wallace pull rope
-covington kids
-david depape is a maga supporter
-gov whitmer kidnapping
-kavanaugh rape
-trump pee tape
-COVID came from bats
-border agents whipped migrants
-trump saved nuclear secrets at mar-a-lago
-steele dossier
-syria gassed its own people
-russian bounties on US soldiers in afghanistan
-trump says drinking bleach cures covid
-muslim travel ban
-andrew cuomo best covid leadership
-trump built cages for migrant children
-trump overfed koi fish in Japan
-Build back better will pay for itself
-trump tax cuts only benefited the rich
-cloth masks prevent covid
-the vaccine prevents covid
-SUV killed parade marchers in Waukesha
-trump used tear gas
-"don't say gay" was in the bill
-putin price hike
-ivermectin is horse de-wormer
-mostly peaceful protests
-trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "the beast"
-officer sicknick was murdered by protestors
-january 6 was an "insurrection"
-BLM isnt a democrat astro-turf organization
-trump mocked reporters disability
-BYU students hurled racist slurs at Duke volleyball player
-Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist militia member
-inflation is transitory
-ukraine is a sovereign nation
-hillary clinton didnt deliberately start the ukraine war by overthrowing ukraines government
-ukraine didnt help hillary clintons campaign in 2016
-hillarys emails were just recipes
-canadian truckers are russian puppets
-brexit is a russian psyop
-Russia is the worlds greatest threat, spend another trillion
-trump withheld money to ukraine
-ghost kiev
-snake island
-antifa is just an idea
-Trump will start WWIII
Does anyone really think a highly trained federal secret service agent is going to post this on a social media platform and throw away his career? Not logical. Elected officials are the ones who get away with conspiracy theories without repercussions.

What happened to Kaepernick's "Stand for something, even if it costs you everything"...?

Willis did the right thing. There was no way of knowing if Crooks would have actually taken the shot. It's just a good thing he missed in the right direction.

Thanks. Brad.
Oh my ******** God. Do the moderators know about this? What the he'll is this doing on an RC Boating Forum? It looks like it's been posted for almost 6 months and hasn't been addressed. If this what the moderators tolerate ( if they're not advocating for it) I'd appreciate being informed of it openly and upfront. Allowing this Political Drum beating to infiltrate the site is uncalled for and unnacceptable If this is going to be allowed to remain and continue to be posted on this site, Cancel my account effective NOW. Remove ANY evidence of my involvement with this site, and protect my information from access from an individuals connected with posts in this thread (or any other politically based content). Respectfully, and with Deep Disappointment, Jeff Krietemeyer.
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Okay, please don't be a Karen.............if you do not like the discussion don't participate or just like a TV, change the channel, .......would you throw away your TV just because you didn't like the local news?🤔🤔

Just my thoughts...Sometimes I have a few but not many

Jeff, you start with the F word.. how much "listen" are you going to get out of that.

This is the OFF TOPIC section.. and shall remain just that. Kent is right.. just turn the channel..


Okay, please don't be a Karen.............if you do not like the discussion don't participate or just like a TV, change the channel, .......would you throw away your TV just because you didn't like the local news?🤔🤔

Just my thoughts...Sometimes I have a few but not many

Is NOT a suitable place for the lies miss information hate mongering and general idiotic CRAP I saw being disseminated in this thread. If.that Moronic **** is what these people.come here to do(or just assume is acceptable to do) this is NOT the place it advertised itself to be. I CAN'T risk being mistaken for attending an online TWIT rally. Thank you for your concern.

Is NOT a suitable place for the lies miss information hate mongering and general idiotic CRAP I saw being disseminated in this thread. If.that Moronic **** is what these people.come here to do(or just assume is acceptable to do) this is NOT the place it advertised itself to be. I CAN'T risk being mistaken for attending an online TWIT rally. Thank you for your concern.
As requested account deleted. Have a nice life.
I was warned by people in real life that "IW is ******* toxic do not ever post on that site." The comment was followed by "RC boating is nothing but old white racist bastards."

the democrat party is turning people into absolute basket cases.
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"...... I'd appreciate being informed of it openly and upfront. Allowing this Political Drum beating to infiltrate the site is uncalled for and unnacceptable If this is going to be allowed to remain and continue to be posted on this site, Cancel my account effective NOW. Remove ANY evidence of my involvement with this site, and protect my information from access from an individuals connected with posts in this thread...."
Who da **** you think you are???....nobody put a **** gun to your head to walk into the OFF TOPIC Lounge and start poundin' your keyboard.
You do that in a drinkin' establishment lounge somebody gonna put the azz whoopin' to ya.

Just simply quit if you ain't happy here.


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I am surprised by the vigorous hate these folks have for a person they have never sat down with for a meal. TURE.. we don't get to have table chat with many people in this world but why the absolute HATE for this guy?

I don't HATE dems, I don't HATE Joe or Kamala.. I VERY MUCH disagree with there views but I don't HATE THEM... It looks like at least one democrat has lost sight of what hate really is.

Side note.... paying off student loan debt.. really.. what a disaster that will be for years to come. man.. what a voting buying scam that is.

I don't LOVE Trump, I don't hate Trump.. I DO however VERY MUCH agree with is policies. I liked gas at 2 bucks.. not even all that much for me.. but for everybody, Cost of goods lower.. energy independence is a GREAT GOAL.. I also happen to agree with tariffs if that helps build a stronger country and future country.

And.. none of this matters without a BOARDER.. WALLS WORK.. thats why your bathroom has walls, your house (my house) needs walls to hold up a roof..


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