IMPBA Sport 20/40 2012 Rule Proposal, Author Needs Input Please


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Nov 25, 2006
Hi IMPBA Members,

First off I would like to apologize to the Membership for submitting a rule proposal without fully researching whats being run in our organization.

Last night there was an emergency meeting of the board regarding this proposal, at that time to assure the proposal would be the best it could be I withdrew it (In hopes of having a revised proposal ready for the next roostertail) and motioned the meeting adjourned.

Now I need help with how things can be fixed to make the proposal work. I have seen mention a list of boats that "Did Not" meet the the criteria of the proposal.

  • MTO sport 40 and sport 20 round noses (illegal-keelson & transom width)
  • PT Stealth sport 20 (illegal-keelson & transom width)
  • Whiplash Sport 20 and 40 (illegal-keelson)
  • Mutt II sport 40 (illegal-air trap width)
  • H&M Sport 20 size round nose (illegal-keelson & transom width)
  • H&M SuperSport 21 (illegal-air trap width)

If possible could these boat designers/builders and the ones I list below Please contact me on how I can make this proposal work for there boats.

Steve Peterson

Mike Bethke

ML Boat Works

David Preusse

The whole point of this proposal is to maintain the integrity of the class. I don't want to have a argument here please be constructive.

My Email is [email protected]

Phone 224-245-4492


* This propsal had nothing to do with the Scale Class or the Gas Sport Class, and after further inspection the FE sport boats have there own rules (Section - J, Fast Electric 2012 page J-17). The FE Sport Rules can be found on the IMPBA website.
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Paul, i will try and give you a call tonight or tomorrow night. While my current hulls meet the old and new rules, i have no issues with the current competitors hulls. I think a good way to handle it is if any of the designers that are still making hulls decide to do a new version of their old hulls in the same classes as their current hull designs, then they phase out the old hull, and the new design should fit the new rules. That way no one gets hurt in the transition, which with this being a hobby, is the best thing! Mike Luszcz, ML Boatworks, (252) 717-6282
Thank You Mike Luszcz, Phil Thomas, David Preusse and Mike Bethke.

Could Brian Blazzer, Mike Schindler and the designer of the H&M sport boat please contact me at : [email protected]

Mike Bethke could you please email me your requirements and Steve Petersons per your meeting with him last week.

If I can get your responses soon I will try and have the revised proposal ready for your reviews by next weekend.

Thank You,

Thanks Paul, There is no big rush to get this done so give it alot of thought If you can get a new proposal done by end of season that would be ok, I think.

Like Phil said take your time. I know some people not going to be happy but that is how it is.

Dave Roach
So when the rules are changed what happens to all of the people that own one of these boats that would now be iliegalto run. with the new proposal will it take into acount the number of hulls that would have to be scrapped and replaced if the people deside to get into the class again.

my whip is an 06 .
I thought that the old rules were just fine. Maybe a few words should be changed. But I went up to check the current rules to show what I would change and found that some of the wording has been changed or just left out. Who and when did this get changed? I never remember them being change. I heard of some new ones trying to be placed but not what I am reading now.
I really think a good look at the NAMBA rules should be done,an an attempt to generalize the rules would go a long way.
Very surprised that IMPBA allows exposed tuned pipes in the Sport classes.
Yes, Eric, Alot of sport boats in IMPBA get the back half of the cowls cut away so they can run the pipe exposed and out the top. This really takes away from the appearance and also the airflow designed into the hull as an aid in performance. It would be nice if some of the rules between Namba and IMPBA could be standardized.
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I have a question for you guys then. Sport 20, round nose hulls. Some of them have a VERY narrow engine compartment. Where would the pipe exit the hull at? Yes, it can be done, but makes it a major PITA.

Not all of the sport 20 hulls have massive amounts of room inside. Just makes things a little easier. I personally dont care either way, as I have no dog in that hunt so to speak.
If they changed the rules to where you couldn't have the pipe exposed I'd be screwed. There's no room in my hull not to have a exposed pipe.
I have run them both ways,I see no advantage either way. My current SS45 runs a transom exhaust and is as fast as my old boat that had the pipe sticking out the cowl......... I must say id like it If the rules said an attempt to hide the pipe or at least 50% must be hid....buts thats another story.....
  • Funny that the NAMBA Sport 20 hulls all can get the tuned pipes covered. I just think it detracts from the classic Sport boat. It's your choice as IMPBA members. I was trying to reconcile why you have Sport 40 hulls that have exposed tuned pipes that look more like riggers and yet your rules restrict boats that look like classic full size boats. I'm that NAMBA sport chair and respect your choices as IMPBA just trying to understand so I can better serve my membership. Also looking forward to my first IMPBA race in Hobart.
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Eric, 10-4 buddy!

I dont like the rigger look of some of the boats myself, and this proposal was originally set up to try and tame that, but some people did not like the attempt, so it will continue on I guess.
The whole reason the proposal was pulled by me was to try and make the rule work with all current sport boats. Just try to keep the look/integrity of the class intact. Sorry for the delay in the re-write, have some personal stuff going on and trying to make the majority of the masses happy isn't always easy.

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