Sparkie light at the end of the Tunnel


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HTV Boats

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
I know Bill and I go a little overboard on FE tunnels but was very interesting over the weekend to see what inexpensive power can do. With low numbers for our race with the 21 mod nitro racers blessing we allowed Bill to run an FE in the class. Putting this in perspective 4 boats in the mix were Randy Premo, Jay Halbrehder, Shawn Junker and Jeff Connely. That group is as tough as any 21 field on the planet period and all brought their A games with 2 of the fastest Lynx and Visions all in one heat. That said Bills Lynx had a $100 Swordfish Controller and a $45 Keda 2364KV motor. He didn't win every heat but to watch that boat pass the best in the world at will was awe inspiring. This is a step up from "P" spec and no where near a full "P" or "Q".

The moral of the story is as Outboard nitro motors get expensive and in short suppy a 4 bolt alterrnative is out there that is only beginning to show it's potential. $150 vs 4 $800plus .21 mods. Hope Bill has video's as this was eye opening for anyone who has not seen "bargain mod" FE's. And to get top notch FE power is still half of a Nova which blow up quicker than popcorn in a hot pan.

The $ factor makes it a no brainer...

true, randy - but the lack of nitro fumes & the scream of a nitro engine kill it for me :p . we have been letting the fe hulls run with the nitro hulls here in impba d-12 for the last 2 years now. they have been running in b tunnel, b mono & b hydro, mostly. good competition & more racers, win, win for all :ph34r: !
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For those of us that love our outboards, I am hoping that eventually we will push on with the P-limited and eventually move to three classes of FE tunnels as well as nitro tunnels. If I could go to a race and run 5 or 6 tunnel classes, these monos I just purchased would be up for sale next week. Years ago it was easy to fill B, D, and E tunnel classes. I am hoping that nitro will continue, and that eventually we will see FE only classes of tunnels as well, for the P-limited, P, and Q classes. I have my two first ever FE Tunnel projects on my bench now, a P-Limited and a Q. It will take a while to catch up to you guys as this is unchartered waters for me, so as always I appreciate the tips................ ;)
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It will take a while to catch up to you guys as this is unchartered waters for me, so as always I appreciate the tips................ ;)
I thought this same thing at the last race with my never-seen-the-water-before P-limited boat. I think we had 14 registered, cant remember, but I won that class with the boat the first time out. The boats are FAST right from the get go. I used about a half a battery pack to find the right prop, and thats literally all the testing I did with it. You will be surprised, especially on the limited boat, just how quick you get up to speed.
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It will take a while to catch up to you guys as this is unchartered waters for me, so as always I appreciate the tips................ ;)
I thought this same thing at the last race with my never-seen-the-water-before P-limited boat. I think we had 14 registered, cant remember, but I won that class with the boat the first time out. The boats are FAST right from the get go. I used about a half a battery pack to find the right prop, and thats literally all the testing I did with it. You will be surprised, especially on the limited boat, just how quick you get up to speed.

That's great to know. I was hoping this would be the case but too bad you are not going to the Winternats as this will probably be the first time this thing sees the water and I could use some help!!!!........ :) I would be trying to figure out how to move my tent near yours...... ;) I'll probably start with the same setup and COG and see where that takes me. I am still trying to get my LeeCraft 120 dialed in as this was a totally new build and it has only been in the water at a couple of races so limited setup time makes it a slow process. The FE will be totally different I guess since the only factor I will be concerned with should be the prop. WOW, thats totally different thinking...... The LeeCraft will be a little different than the Lynx but hopefully not too much.

If I don't talk to all of you guys again this week, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your families and I hope to see you at a race soon!!!!!!!......... :)
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It will take a while to catch up to you guys as this is unchartered waters for me, so as always I appreciate the tips................ ;)
I thought this same thing at the last race with my never-seen-the-water-before P-limited boat. I think we had 14 registered, cant remember, but I won that class with the boat the first time out. The boats are FAST right from the get go. I used about a half a battery pack to find the right prop, and thats literally all the testing I did with it. You will be surprised, especially on the limited boat, just how quick you get up to speed.
The nice thing about converting outboards is the powertrain is simple and tunnel knowlege trumps FE knowledge in the limited class. As we move faster into P & Q we look more to experienced FE guys for help but still for a tunnel guy it will be an easier transition. Power and the illusion of brakes setting up into corners will challenge even the best drivers. Ask Shawn Junker who ran my Vision in FE this weekend. FE tunnels are like a marriage for nitro racers. Your not loosing a daughter your gaining a son to work the farm.

Side bar: Jeff Connelys new Vision/Nelson with a K&B can was "Balistic" running easily with Jay & Shawn in the 45 mod class. It was just scarry fast. Served notice to ther outlaw ,45 class for sure

I didn't get a chance to see Bill's boat run in those mod heats ( Because I was too far out in front too notice) so I really can't comment on it. They are pretty fun to drive, It's like a 4 stroke compared to a 2 stroke dirt bike. You let off the throttle and it has it's own braking. I was having problems with that in the corners. I still prefer nitro, but I'm going to give a spec boat a try
I know Bill and I go a little overboard on FE tunnels but was very interesting over the weekend to see what inexpensive power can do. With low numbers for our race with the 21 mod nitro racers blessing we allowed Bill to run an FE in the class. Putting this in perspective 4 boats in the mix were Randy Premo, Jay Halbrehder, Shawn Junker and Jeff Connely. That group is as tough as any 21 field on the planet period and all brought their A games with 2 of the fastest Lynx and Visions all in one heat. That said Bills Lynx had a $100 Swordfish Controller and a $45 Keda 2364KV motor. He didn't win every heat but to watch that boat pass the best in the world at will was awe inspiring. This is a step up from "P" spec and no where near a full "P" or "Q".

The moral of the story is as Outboard nitro motors get expensive and in short suppy a 4 bolt alterrnative is out there that is only beginning to show it's potential. $150 vs 4 $800plus .21 mods. Hope Bill has video's as this was eye opening for anyone who has not seen "bargain mod" FE's. And to get top notch FE power is still half of a Nova which blow up quicker than popcorn in a hot pan.

Novarossi's blow up easy??
The kind that put out world class power do. Lot of work goes into them and as soon as you fire them the first time the pin has been pulled. Ask Randy how many times he has had to rebuild his RB.

A 'real' good Nova ain't cheap and are as touchy as women. but can rock your world on a good day then poof they are gone and ya gotta start over.
I think you are doing something wrong to have your Nova blow up so easily, good engine builders who KNOW what to do to a NOVA are the only way to go.

People know how good mine is and it is still going strong after 3 or so years now (only the cranks have failed me, plus 1 conrod)


Oh and not saying FE isn't better! I love FE outboards, they are what I started with and will end with!
So your saying Drake and Premo don't know how to build a Nova just because they sometimes pop? We build them here to race them, not see how long they will last. We grab every ounce we can from them, In return they are stunning machines that demand just as much back from you as you ask of them.

When you have a good one, And I do mean an honest heat racing 58-60 mph Nova, not a run of the mill or even above average one that anyone can build, you need to stay on top of them or they will pop.

If your running on the same conrod or bearings more than 5-6 months your either playing with fire, or you do not have the type of Nova I speak of.

These are the Nova's I'm talking about. Sure, you can make one last for years without going into them. But they are nowhere near the skwallers I speak of.

Premo's RB sounds like silk tearing when it is at full song. It will actually put a shiver down your spine. There are **** few Nova's that can tout that. But for that performance and capability he must suffer the occasional failure. It's not the end of the story, and it **** sure doesn't mean that he doesn't know what he's doing. It just gets rebuilt and a new chapter starts.

Constant preventive maintenance and part replacement are what set Randy's motor apart from 99% of all others out there.

I came from nitro, Just cause I'm into FE now does not mean I will not run nitro again. I do love the smell, the stinging of the eye's and the howl of a stout Nova. Got a few diapered up right now. And yes, they are skwallers.

And brother I do know how to work a Nova.
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Gotta agree with Bill on this to a point... these guys PUSH engines to a whole nother level. To hear Premo's boat really sing, or most any of Drakes stuff is truly magical. Very rarely does Premo let the beast eat though... thats why he is the 4 time world champion. Drives it when he needs to.

Ok, thats enough. The TBM already have swollen egos as it is, no need to fuel the fire... :p

And, to stay on topic... FE's rock! Kinda hard convincing myself to keep this nitro stuff...
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James, James, James. You should have seen my P Lynx this weekend against the Mod 21's. Once on the right prop, Jaws dropped when I squeezed the trigger. B)

Did 8 laps, speedy was at 118, motor and batts just a tad over 100 and batteries had 21% left. Don't get no better than that!
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I understand fully that the performance is there and the ease of tuning,

But the batts turning into road flares at any given moment gives me pause :D

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Once on the right prop, Jaws dropped when I squeezed the trigger. B)
Funny how that works out. Find the right prop and they just come to life.

I ran a P-tunnel in a local open tunnel class for the first time 4 years ago. I put the thing in the water, ran 2 laps in open water and had the whole crowd shaking their heads. One guy just put his boats away, didn't even run.

Open motor P boats are seriously fast.
But the batts turning into road flares at any given moment gives me pause :D
Don't know where you guys keep getting this from. As with anything you must handle it properly. You don't throw a match in a gas can or nitro bottle right? Lets not drive a nail into the side of one of these batteries and we will all be alright.

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Here is a link to the only video I have of the P Lynx from this weekend and there is no audio. This was shot before the "right" prop was put on it. For this heat I had a back cut & de-tongued x442 like most other Mod21's run. The silver foil tape on the cowl is damage repair from the Huntsville time trials

Not gonna take anything away from the other boats in the video as it's obvious to me now that you can't really compare the two. Once I had the right prop on it, it was much faster than you see here but there is no video to show of that.

Jeff Connelly launched the boat for me at 40 seconds. (as you can any nitro boat) I did one mill lap and fell in with the crowd.

The boat I pulled away from in turn one at the start is Randy's wicked fast RB (The first boat jumped the start).

Do not think I am saying anything bad about Randy's boat. You cannot compare the two. I want that to be clear. Randy went on to win the heat. This weekend was only an 'experiment' that all agreed to when they let me run with the Mods. I am just showing the potential of P power and the acceleration advantage using a 20 size hull. And remember, this was before I put the 'good' prop on it. All other boats in this heat were running Nova's with Cooper pipes (Randy's is an RB).

Like Mic said, I don't want to see these compared to or seen as a replacement to the Mod21's, but it would be a great new class for tunnels and a new weapon in our tunnel boat arsenal.

After this weekend, I am convinced that P power belongs on a 20 size boat. Shaman's, Warhead's, Vision's, and HTB 360's are for 5 or 6S.

I can see me running P-LTD, Mod21, P, and maybe Q tunnel classes all in one event (stock 21 has become too expensive). Those who think it is an either/or proposition have horse blinders on and are not seeing the big picture here.


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Nice video. Thanks for sharing! FE is fast. It's amazing how the technology has developed over the years.....

I hope to put Novarossi power on my Vision this winter. I'll let you know what speeds I get on the timing system.

Lucky for me, .21 nitro tunnels are running strong in D1.... Usually are largest class at Brick Pond, Elmira, NY.
After this weekend, I am convinced that P power belongs on a 20 size boat. Shaman's, Warhead's, Vision's, and HTB 360's are for 5 or 6S.


.....and LeeCraft 460's for 5 or 6S too!!............................ ;)
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