Yo Tom


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i have been having problems accessing the site today...... i don't know what's up???
I got that same thing not to long ago.

At least i know your on top of it.

Thanks Tom
the one i got was alot longer.. emailed it to the link it gave me.. just used th history function to get into the board :)
TomMoorehouse said:
i have been having problems accessing the site today...... i don't know what's up???
It's hell sometimes being the guy where the buck stops, eh Tom? :p Thanks for all your hard work! :D
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uhhhh.... let me test my PC skills

Here at intlwaters we take our users access problems seriously. Please take a number and someone will be with you shortly. :D
"Here at intlwaters we take our users access problems seriously. Please take a number and someone will be with you shortly. "

Followed by- "Your call has been placed in cue for the next available person to assist you in the order in which they are received. You approximate wait time is... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: "
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TomMoorehouse said:
Here at intlwaters we take our users access problems seriously. Please take a number and someone will be with you shortly. :D
last time i heard something like that i was on hold for three days :lol:

I received something similar the other day but it pointed to to many users trying to access at once. Sounds like "the little server that could" needs just a bit of help.

yep got a message at a from i admin a user that he got a simular message today