Wild Thing advice and painting tips wanted


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Active Member
Aug 7, 2004
I've ordered the plans for the Wild Thing featured on rcboatmodeler.com. I have ordered all the wood I need to build it, but I need advice on running hardware. If anybody else has this boat and could share what hardware you used in building it that would be great. I have a deal pending on a Picco P-5 for the boat.

I am also confused about finishing. So far it seems the best thing to do it to buy some West Systems epoxy to coat the hull. After this I need to apply some primer, but I have no idea what to use as primer. I've been recommended Formula-U paint, and this seems like a good bet as I have an airbrush and will be able to airbrush it on. Do I need to apply a clear coat with this paint, and can I? After clearcoating, I have read of people wetsanding with very fine grit sandpaper and then waxing/polishing the hull. Is this a good idea?


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You dont need much as far as hardware goes as the srtut is not needed due to the stuffing box being incorporated as the strut.As for the rudder I used a Aeromarine 20 machined rudder/I also made the trim tabs as shown on plans and turn fin again shown on plans.Boat runs very well just remeber balance the hull play with placement of motor and tanks for balance and c/g.
The Wild Thing actually needs really good hardware like Speed Master. It's a very fast boat and well designed by John Finch. Don't skimp on the hardware if you can afford it.

As for the primer make sure to use on that has a sealer in it to protect the wood if you don't use Wst Coast epoxy.

You can wet sand the paint with 400 or 600 to get the grooves or other imperfections out like masking lines but don't go higher like 1000 because the clear won't stick that well to it if you do. You can color sand out the clear and wax and polish it out to a shine. Ask Don Ferrette, he has it down to a science.
Here is the Wild Thing I built for my wife. It has a Nova Rossi & I used Speedmaster rudder, & motor mount. the turn fins & trim tabs as home made to the plans. It is also strutless as per design. This picture was taken before I finished it up. It has been run, & is fast & stable.
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Speedmatser hardware is good. Make sure you seal with epoxy what you can't reach once the deck is on. I painted with Monokote sprays and it held up just fine. If you are worried about wood grain then apply one coat of epoxy and squeegee excess off with a playing card. Let dry, scrape with a razor blade to flatten, and sand with 220 to roughen. Repeat as necessary. Usually on the second and third coats I will pull a foam brush across the surface after the sqeegee.
Hi Josh

All the advices here are steps to be followed to have a nice model

I would also suggest, if not difficult to you, to apply a thin fiber cloth to the botton of your model to get better strenght against impacts.

I use a very thin fiber cloth on my riggers laminated with finishing resin from Zap See the pics