Whos the badest fastest nitro cat guy


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If you are silly enough to want to put a 45 into a 21 sprint cat, I am your man!!!! LOL

EMS Racing Who said a cat cant stand on the prop??
LOL! did the extra weight of the 45 help hold it down? any significant straightline speed increase without blowin? lol, the hell with tryin to turn it! that must've been a hoot! ;D

Just dont give it too much throttle on the launch... wants to behave like a funny car... and yes it was very quick in a straight line... not too bad cornering as well... until there are other boats on the water...


EMS Racing When too much power is barely enough
Eddie is The man for bad-ass Cats! BTW, Mr. Barnes, any big announcements coming soon about you-know-what?
lol ... that must be THE HYDRO your referrin to. yep, been watchin for that myself ;D

i've yet to get a gas hull, but those sport hydros look awesome.
Nope, you're cold. BIGGER! I really don't want to say, Eddie will let people know if and when it happens. I don't want to ruin it for him.
I have over 110 super cats out there running gas some are running over 65 in heat trim. I only know of two guys running nitro in one and there both twins. I am looking for some one GOOD NO BULL S___ kind of guy to test some set ups for supercat in nitro. I have some of the best gas guys in the country running them and testing things I dream up and reporting back so I can share with all my customers. We have to date destroyed 5 hulls testing hardware even bondoing the bottoms to see what effects it has on the boat one got so bad it looked like some one got mad and drilled it to death. I want to hear from all of you guys who the best choice would be. Its ok to blow your own horn but looking more for who the best candidate would be
pick me! pick me! pick me!!

lol.....the only experience i have with cats is under 30", nothing bigger than that......i am interested in possibly building a gas cat, can you give me some more info on yours? maybe by email? [email protected]


Check out Aeromarine's resident cat champ Danny Weimer he runs all cat classes as well as running cats in open offshore. Contact Remy down in Seaford,Delaware
I can't really think of anyone who stands out in Nitro Cat racing. The one that comes to mind is Randy Rapedius. It's too bad that they aren't more popular in R/Cing, they sure are beautiful on the water.

Joe, you wish!

Basement Boy, Remy is the competition!
Well as much as I have fun running with Troy and hanging out with the aeromarine crew at the races that may be a conflict of interests

thanks for the link, i've been to Jim's before once or twice and didnt like it that much, but i'll go see what i can find on your cat...

Ron- hey its worth a try!! :) ;)

you still planning on doing a gas cat anytime soon?

it's always helpfull to have somebody else doing the same thing at the same time.........

I'd like to but too many irons in the fire now as it is. I was looking very closely at one of Eddie's Cats.

Eddie, I saw elsewhere that you might be selling your Business? If so, that probably throws out the other things that you were thinking of doing.
every thing is for sale and better if works good for gas and nitro. Plus all the crape going on in the gas sport hydro world has every one over there uptight so they place an order and call 10 times a day eves and weekends. One guys has called me sunday affter noon up to 10 times at the shop and then started calling my cell till 930 at night. Maybe the time is right to see how things are on the other side.

i know tha feeling, trust me!


YGM [oh, and BTW....if i end up getting one of your hulls, i promise not ta bug you about it!! :) ]

I can't blame you in a way, it must be rough to be so popular. Some people can be a PITA (Pain In The @$$). So this must mean that the other plan is out then, too bad. What you need is to have somebody else sell the kits for you so that you don't have to deal with all of the phone calls. Some people think that it's all you have to do like they're your only customer. Too bad, I wanted to see you bring the other thing back to life.
I know a guy in district thirteen that runs some some very fast nitro cats. He honestly has the fastest cat i have ever seen run. I honestly dont know what hull brand it is but every one in our area goes to him when it comes down to getting it setup and asking questions about cats. His name is John Harter, I dont know him that well personally, only met him a few times. Someone in here might know him. hes an older guy, dont know if he has an email or not. He wins the f hydro class almost every time entered with his CMB90 against other full blown riggers with the same or better engines and even a few twins. You could get in touch with him with the IMPBA directory by getting his phone number. he lives around Columbia, South Carolina. Wish I had some video......You wouldnt beleive your eyes. ~ James