Whiplash help please


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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2005
Hello gang,

I just completed a 21 Whiplash with a new Orlic Novarossi in it.

We ran a couple of tanks of fuel through it yesterday,and although the setup seems fairly close,It has a few issues,so,I'd like to double check a few things please.

How do you level a Whiplash to set the strut at 2* negative or?

Bottom of front sponsons to the centerline of the strut?

Or level the tub bottom?

3rd option,sponsons on flat surface and block the transom _" tall?

Also, On my Crapshooter and riggers,I usually line up the scribe mark on the turn fin with the bottom of the tub, Do I do the same with the Whiplash? There are the normal break marks twards the bottom and what might be a scribe line above (it doesn't run parallel with the break marks) .Does Brian put scribe lines? Because it's faint and doesn't go all the way across. And if I set it this way,it seems aft end high.

Any help would be appreciated very much.

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I beleave the sponsons depth is .75 You can put gage blocks under the back and go from there.

On my whiplash I set the strut with a digal angle meter.Set the boat up side down a zero the meter at the back of the boat then set the meter on the strut and check the angle ,This is the flat part of the boat.Every thing can be taken from this point.As for as the turn fin the one Brian makes the line on there are marks from the CNC bender not for set up.

Dave R
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Hi Brian,

The boat pulls to the right and I've got to give it too much left rudder to correct it.

I've got the turn fin (yours) perfectly parallel to the center line of the tub and level with the hull bottom now and it still tracks right. I'm thinking of tweaking the turnfin back end out to help correct it.

The boat is defiantly built flat and square also.The strut is now set about 15/16 and 1.8 degrees of negative trim.

In the boat is an Orlic N/R with a 3280. It's running well except for the tracking issue and still playing with props.

It's only had about 5 tanks through it so far and back at it tomorrow.If I can get it dialed in a bit better,we'll replace the turn fin with a blade and bring it up to Flint with me this weekend.We'll see.

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Make sure the fin is parallel with the inside sponson.

If it is parallel, take the fin completely off and run it to see if in fact the fin is your problem. If it tracks straight without the fin, put the fin back on and push it forward. You can also shim the strut. The bottom of the blade should be roughly parallel with the bottom of the boat. What turnfin do you have? Is it vertical on the back edge, or angled forward? I have never heard of a tracking problem with the boat.

Let me know if there is anything else you need.

Walt make sure the sponson trialing edges are sharp. If the inside sponson has a rounded trailing edge and the other is sharp the boat will pull to the inside because of the induced drag.