Whiplash 40 Drains?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
I am getting close to being ready to prime a Whiplash Sport 40.

I have never built a sport/scale type hull.

I imagine after each run that water will enter the boat after engine shutdown, and that turning the boat upside down would still leave significant amount of water trapped in the hull.

Should there be drains installed in the vertical rear of the sponsons and transom?

If so, should there be sort of one-way mechanism or are simple holes OK?
Holes are good but putting in some sort of tubing to seal them is better as water won't get into the wood that way
Hey Fletch,

I use pieces of Dave Brown Products Fiberglass Pushrod System for transitions through transoms, bulkheads and the like - epoxied into place as HJ suggested. I believe this product uses carbon fiber tubing. A piece of old fishing rod will also work. To keep from having to buy the $9.00/pkg Dave Brown product - drill the hole through the transom larger than what you'd like, fill the hole with 30 minute epoxy glue. and after it cures, drill through the center of the epoxy leaving basically an epoxy tubing for water, grease and oil to flow through.

Here's a couple pics of mine using the Bave Brown material. CHEERS !!! Bob
I like that, Bob, using CF and other materials instead of tubing. The way I see it, as long as the water has a way out that is protected from that same water, it's a winning situation :)

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