What's happening in the land of the Rising Sun


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2002
Good Morning you all! Been a long time since I've been around INTLWATERS.

I just thought I would drop in and let you know what I've been doing lately.

Still doing boats ;) Nothin' gonna keep me out of the water. I have built about 10 riggers since the last time I was on the forum.

This is the scoop with me. Been having some family problems. I have moved, and I don't have internet access at the moment. The situation is slowely getting under control. I should have my puter going soon, and be back with you all to share building tips and information.

These days, I have been hanging out with Dennis Cessna from RCboats. We have been down at the pond almost every weekend since I convinced him to get off his butt and put his Crapshooter together. He is a really good guy, and I have to thank the on-line RC boating communities for getting us together. Hopefully, we both will be able to go to the Nats this year.

Just wanna say hi, to Tom, Ron, Wade, MikeZ, MikeP,and all the other cool guys here.

Catch you around :D
Hey Hammer,

Welcome back!!!


Gene :D
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I've been worrying about you Dude! People have been asking me if I've heard anything from you. I told them that you've been busy teaching and working with Kyosho as far as I knew.

Stop back in when you can or e-mail me sometime when you get a chance.
hey hammer!

good to hear from ya again..... get your stuff in order and start hanging out again!
We are going to have to talk to HammerMom about all this boat building with no photos to share :ph34r: with us. How are we supposed to copy your design-ideas with no photos to start with?

Glad to hear you are still buring nitro.

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