What's a good pipe


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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2006
I looked through the forum and didn't see a topic on pipes. I'm putting together a Zipp 12 hydro. I bought a 12 Picco 3 port car engine and I was needing info on what pipe to run. Also where to buy a pipe.


congrats jon,,,i had no idea that was one of your pipes on that hull....hats off to you for a killer .12 pipe...

congrats jon,,,i had no idea that was one of your pipes on that hull....hats off to you for a killer .12 pipe...

Here is the #3 vote for Mac's Pipe. Reasonable price and you can probably get them on this Forum or get it through Tower Hobbies. That's where I got mine. Makes the .12's run pretty good. There are better - more expensive pipes out there, but if your trying to make the Wife happy - stick with the MAC :D
congrats jon,,,i had no idea that was one of your pipes on that hull....hats off to you for a killer .12 pipe...

Here is the #3 vote for Mac's Pipe. Reasonable price and you can probably get them on this Forum or get it through Tower Hobbies. That's where I got mine. Makes the .12's run pretty good. There are better - more expensive pipes out there, but if your trying to make the Wife happy - stick with the MAC :D

yep,,,,macs 1110 will do just fine... i have a pipe in the works that should work well on .12-.18 engines,,,but that will be some time before they are produced...alot of testing will need to be done....

I've got 3 of the Mac's and a Texan .12 pipe plus an OPS 3270 that I want to try out which is very similar to a Mac except with a larger intake pipe.

I've got an old Trinity/Picco/Nova Rossi that has been in a rigger before but is now sitting in a mono. If you really want to wake it up, get a Nova Rossi carb for it, it will slip right in! My mono went from running wet to being barely on the water with just that change.