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hugh hargett

YOU yongsters might not know this man but if youre a true racer and you raced in the 90's youd know this man. Where is my homie? any body know?

He had some fast s@@T!
I havent seen Curtis in a couple years. Last time was at a race in Charleston...believe it or not. Some of the Atl area folks can probably tell you. How do you know Curtis? Always liked that black and lime green color scheme he used....
Curtis got me into nitro boats over 20 years ago. Went to check out okc model boat club from running on road cars at rc rc running against the likes of Bob Light in oklahoma city. Funny how you think you know what or who someone knows HUH :huh: ?Curtis sold me my first rigger an ANDY BROWN mongoose. When I start racing ill just be picking up where he Kenneth Stone( another name that layed in the impba record books plenty) my mentor and AB left off. Youre the one thinks Im new. You just dont know me. thats not my fault. I knew him before you :eek: . The question is HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM? LOL Anyway ill be getting back up with him an kenny and to deal with all these challenges. My real team. This outta be fun such a newb like me racing all theese "SEASONED VETERANS" that no one can beat . HA its funny to me.

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The last time I saw Curtiss (correct spelling BTW) was at our 2010 Fall Nationals running a 40 and a 60 Eagle. I have not seen him enter any races since then. He lives in the greater Atlanta area. A real great guy.
YOU yongsters might not know this man but if youre a true racer and you raced in the 90's youd know this man. Where is my homie? any body know?

He had some fast s@@T!
The last time I saw Curtiss (correct spelling BTW) was at our 2010 Fall Nationals running a 40 and a 60 Eagle. I have not seen him enter any races since then. He lives in the greater Atlanta area. A real great guy.
I'm a youngster and do know Curtiss. Last time I saw him was at the 2009 Fall Nats and last I knew he was in the ATL area.


Are you still in the OKC area?
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Buck,No but I would love to get out there and see Kenny and will soon. Don gave me His(Curtiss's) email Havent wrote him yet. He had some fast stuff when we were out there. Last time I saw curtiss he was just building a first generation eagle.With a CMB 90 I think.. In the threads some where theres a photo of the C goose Ken, Andy, and He put together. Man that was a fast boat. Somehow they (the sport) manage to piss Kenny off so he wont touch a boat now :( . Sucks too Kenny is a brilliant man with a motor .There was another out texas way too . I wanna say Buddy Brown but Im not sure. All I know is there was an older man in Texas back in the early 90's that could build screamers too. Kenny flies scales aircraft - BIG STUFF and rides a hog; still tinkering on something Im sure . The man has got a museum of motors back to the 40's. If youre out that way buck and sombody in the club knows Kenny Id go beg thats all Im gonna tell ya. I Think some of his boats got caught in that terrible twister they had out midwest/del city area . The one in moore was terrible too. Good folk out oklahoma way good folk ..... I miss that place. It change alot with the basketball team and all that been done in bricktown. I was out there when ******* mcvey pulled his stunt That was horrible; didnt hear the blast in norman, but they hear it north up in edmund.If one of you guys ever see curtis tell him to get my number from Don and call me. Top, you get a chance you get on down here to NC and show me how to drive a tunnel ;) . When I say I love you guys I mean it. Im a people person .

Kenny and I played mostly with the scales Curtiss was the rigger man . Im not stroking anyone but I hadnt see a boat till I had seen what those guys had put together thats for damn sure. I dont care about winning I just wanna run with yall.Winnings nice to who wants to lose right? But the fun part is seeing all the beautiful boats or being able to talk to someone who you admire and get tips or whatever .To me thats what its all about.Kenny - a conservative type, smart as heck. Curtiss, smart as heck too but would let it hang out once in awhile ya know what im saying? He liked red and chrome in those days - a 45 and a 67 goose ops's. Id like to see him back on the water if its been two 3 years. At least one person at the race will know Im true.
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Last I saw Curtiss was at a Spring Nat's in Atlanta.

When we talked I asked why he was so scarce at the races lately,,, he said he was spending alot of his time doing bicycle road races,

Must be full time now
Hmm Hes an active guy hey what can I say? Hes either all in or not at all. Ill get up with him and see if I can get him out on the lake a little more. He drives pretty well.
YOU yongsters might not know this man but if youre a true racer and you raced in the 90's youd know this man. Where is my homie? any body know?

He had some fast s@@T!
It appears that you was the last one that had contact with Curtis. Go find him. He is a great model boater.

Hugh what district you run.
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