What’s up in here lately??


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2003
Just a thought to pass on…..maybe I’ll get flamed for it, but at least a point will get across.

I’ve noticed in the last 6 months that this board has turned from a small group of people to a very large group in a short period of time. It’s gone from something akin to a small community where everyone knows each other to being a large urban atmosphere with a lot of big talk and big attitudes and general complacency to crapping all over everything and everyone without a second thought. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/****.gif I’ve seen it happen to others and I’ve also seen some of it recently (some outgoing, some incoming) so I am guilty too.

I don’t necessarily think that the growth of the population in here has only brought bad things. Along with all the additional mud-slinging there have been some great things that came out of this growth:

Who would have thought that some teenager in California would be getting an extremely good Christmas in April (by my measure anyway)

I suspect that some of that “small-town” feeling is what brought so many people to this board (myself included). I don’t think that anyone on this board will challenge me if I claimed the people on this board can be some of the most generous and helpful people you will know. I truly believe that most of the boaters I know are genuinely helpful, intelligent, good people and mean well with the majority of their endeavors.

I think that the peaks and troughs are larger ..........but I am going to start doing my personal best to try and make the troughs a little less deep...I hope others can contribute.

Anyways…I’m rambling so I’ll get to the point:

The boating community is a small pool of people…probably somewhere on the order of 0.003% of the population of the world are avid boaters. I sure would appreciate it if people would quit pissing in the pool.
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Well with more check'n in, the views on different topics will change with the wind for some and others will be deep implanted and never change, Dats whats great about open forums, the free flow of information.

That is as long as we respect each other's views and some times agree to disagree :D
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Hey Kevin...... BITE MEH!!! :lol:

Just kidding ya silly little freak
. hehehe Right on, keep it tight and light. Always will be some ribbing I guess. Unfortunately it's human nature.
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Too disagree is a good thing it's how we learn but Kevin has a good point. And No Kevin you shouldn't get flamed for pointing it out! ;)
Only thing I am going to flame you on is that PG-13 smiley animation! Now if you could just combine that one and the one with the bugs buzzing around the crap.
Hey Kevin,

I'd like to say I totally agree with your point but I didn't hear it over the unmuffled boats. <_<

All kidding aside I don't like seeing it getting all personal - accepts others points of view - wether they are in line with yours - remember opinions are like @$$holes, everybody's got one.

I truly believe that most of the boaters I know are genuinely helpful, intelligent, good people and mean well with the majority of their endeavors.
Most of the people I know will bend over backwards to help me out. I remember once when a guy asked me to drive 1.5 hours each way to go pick something up. It wasn't the most pleasing idea but I did it. Then months later I could not get my boat to run properly. The same guy had some 50% RedMax and it worked. Asked if I could buy a little for the upcoming race (I had forgotten about my trip) and he reminded me of the previous favor and gave me the whole gallon.

Point being that:

I had forgot,

but he had not.

( That rhymes :D )
I am A newbie in here i don`t talk much but i have learned alot by just reading and by looking at the different pictures of the boats that posted i also read the whole forum about the tunnel set up and learned a lot from that. thanks to all the people that have been into rc boating for all the help i have gotten from this forum.
I agree about 90% of this, other 10% is open for dispute :D :D :D

All BS aside, I have noticed that some people dont post like they used to.

Maybe i am not seeing it, but i feel people that were posting 6 months ago, are posting min compaired to what they used to.

"I'd like to say I totally agree with your point but I didn't hear it over the unmuffled boats. "

Too funny Gary! Seriously though, 99.9% of the folks on this board are great & THE best part for me is when I get those personal messages back saying what I suggested worked, thanks for the help, etc. Gives ya the warm fuzzies & THAT is what it's all about. :D :D :D
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It wont be easy keeping our now big community with a small town feel..... but it is possible. With everything that grows there will be some growing pains. So far I think for the most part it is going ok.
one of the biggest helps to "keep the small town feel" is to watch each others back. Sometimes the true meaning of post are hard to understand and if the poster does not get back in to explain it things can get out of hand. I have seen lot's of Snow-ball wars turn into Sh!X fights. ;)
Mike G said:
Sometimes the true meaning of post are hard to understand and if the poster does not get back in to explain it things can get out of hand. I have seen lot's of Snow-ball wars turn into Sh!X fights.  ;)
exactly. you can type a message with a big happy smile on your face, but the words may be read in a completely different context by another person. it's an inherent problem of text discussion without the associated body language to convey the state of mind.
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I saw a sign once

"we dont swim in your toilet, so don't pee in our pool" :lol: :lol:

I don't think the feel of this forum has changed that much - it's still not as "clinical" as another forum I can think of (which now has practically zero posts made on it these days for some reason)


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