Weird Email's


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
This is to the damn fool that keeps sending me these with attachments,

1)Unless I know the person I WILL NOT open it,

2)Sending 5 to 8 try's per day will not change this

3) My ISP is filtering and deleting any executable file anyhow

4) Give it up your wasting your time and mine

Thank You,

Gene B)
Rats, guess I need to find another way in.. :p

:D :lol: :D :lol:


Just pull'n your leg Gener... B)
it's a virus gene..... not a person doing it. i get like 10 a day lately!
Mark, Yo crack me up Dude!!!! :p :lol:

Tom, There is two batches, the latest one has random addresses, My ISP did a alert to the W32.Beagle.J@MM virus.

The other has been goin on fer a while and seems to come from one location.

I just had my Laptop in fer some work and had a full system scan fer stuff,

Gene :D
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my advice.... don't use outlook express. try out mozilla thunderbird!
Hmmmmmm..........Me like Mozilla :D

Already runnin Firebird, I'll give Thunderbird a look see too,

Gene ;)
I know someone out there that has previously had e-mail correspondence with me is infected by either "mydoom" or "bagle" as I have had a couple e-mails come back to me on my old comcast address that have the virus. Between my firewall, router & virus software I've been ok but those who get infected have their own e-mail address books lifted. The virus them uses those lifted addresses to continue to spread itself making the infected e-mails appear to come from those lifted names. Just can't have too much protection these days....... :eek:
PRESTON, YOU NEED TO POST MORE! I really enjoy your personnal picture on the side. Who is that anyway??
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I recieved an e-mail last night from (a NASCAR news site) that warned of a virus being mailed under their name and not to open it. Their's is coming in as an attachment and the never have one for their e-mails.
I have received 4 just this week and 2 last week !!! I allways scan my mail before opening it !!! And "DELETE" fast !!!

If I could just get my right hand around just one there throat's I would crush there wind pipe and watch them gasp for air !!!! :angry: :blink:
"If I could just get my right hand around just one there throat's I would crush there wind pipe and watch them gasp for air !!!!"

Now that would be worth watching........... :eek: