Weight of 12 cell wood tunnel


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2003
What range should a 12 cell wood outboard tunnel hull weight in bare wood form no finishing resin or paint on it ? Im building a Stark GP-12V3 substituted all 1/8 '' balsa sponson sides and frames for 3/32'' birch ply cutting away frame centers to reduce weight substituted all 1/8''x1/8'' and 1/8''x1/4'' balsa strips for spruce strips and instead of using 1/64'' ply to sheet hull i used 1/32'' ply hull ready to seal 24 oz . I built the original Stark GP-12 15 YEARS AGO using 1/8'' balsa with 1/64'' ply sheeting hull weighted 11 oz ready to seal but run over a wave at full tilt and had several hairline cracks in radio and battery boxe's .
That will be fine...I built mine using 1/8 balsa and 1/64 ply and it is crap, except for a 700 motor...way too flimsy. I was too scared to crash it (ie open to full throttle) .

Set the CoG to around 35% from the back of the sponsons and go from there...


Hi Guys,

What range should a 12 cell wood outboard tunnel hull weight in bare wood form no finishing resin or paint on it ?
At 24 ounces your fine. Funny thing is with the power we have on tap now weight isn't so much an issue anymore. For example an N2 mono (6 cell or 2S lipo) that I just set the straight line record with was 4 pounds 5 ounces. A N2 setup 2 years ago was half that weight max! 4 1/2 pounds used to be a target weight for a good 12 cell boat, lol.

Im ashamed to say what my 12 cell Vilain weighs..... Its not light. Hopefully with the Neu power itll be ok. If it goes as fast as it "sounds" like it will while on the bench, then I think the weight will be in my favor!

James, I think my wood 16 cell tunnel is in the 5lb range (maybe 5.5) and it wasn't too rough at the lake today but i couldnt get it above 1/2 throttle! A little is due to setup, but still the weight will be in your favour, for sure! When I had mine on 12 cells (Villain) it went pretty good with alot milder setup than you have...



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