What range should a 12 cell wood outboard tunnel hull weight in bare wood form no finishing resin or paint on it ? Im building a Stark GP-12V3 substituted all 1/8 '' balsa sponson sides and frames for 3/32'' birch ply cutting away frame centers to reduce weight substituted all 1/8''x1/8'' and 1/8''x1/4'' balsa strips for spruce strips and instead of using 1/64'' ply to sheet hull i used 1/32'' ply hull ready to seal 24 oz . I built the original Stark GP-12 15 YEARS AGO using 1/8'' balsa with 1/64'' ply sheeting hull weighted 11 oz ready to seal but run over a wave at full tilt and had several hairline cracks in radio and battery boxe's .