water outlet on Phil thomas sport 20


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
I had this in the general and though I would see if I could get any more ideas from you hydro guys ?

I have seen several examples of where people exhaust the water from the head/coolant jacket by using a 90 degree fitting and a short peice of fuel tubing to come out the top of the cowl.

does anyone run the outlet coolant line back and out the transom and use something like a peice of brass tubing bent upward as to be able to see that the coolant/water is being expelled from the head.

I figure this would be just as easy and the water would be back past the cowl therefore not entering the boat during operation.

It would also be one less thing to thread up through the cowl when I put it on to run the boat.

Just fishing for ideas.

Thanks guys

I will have my soprt 20 done this week.
On my Snake SP20 it runs straight up through the cowl. There is nothing to thread up into the cowl . The nipple on top of the head and 3/4" of fuel tubing cut at a 45 degree angle works fine. I cut a hole in the cowl so that there no problem with coming through. 1/4" bigger all around the fuel line. The cowl nose piece tucks into the nose block and the back drops down onto the transon so it works perfect. On my mutt 2, I have a piece of tubing that comes out from under the deck at the back of the left sponson. I don't care to run it to the back of the boat. Two reason. I dont like having all the fuel tubing bouncing around back there. Also it cludders up the inside of the boat. Here is a shot of the mutt 2 with the water pick up running all the way forward. Makes for a nice clean install. Here is a shot of the engine setup. It show the stainless running through the side of the boat. It is epoxied into the boat and does not leak.
