Wanted Mr Pringles sponsor Cowl details


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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2006
I am after details of the sponsors for the 1988 Mr Pringles.

I am attaching a picture that is the best copy of details I have been able to obtain sofar.

Can any one help with better details that I can scan and print off or point me in the direction as to where I can obtain them
I am after details of the sponsors for the 1988 Mr Pringles.I am attaching a picture that is the best copy of details I have been able to obtain sofar.

Can any one help with better details that I can scan and print off or point me in the direction as to where I can obtain them
If you want, I will make them for you. Get a pic from the web sights and e-mail them to me. I already have the penzoil but I need the rest.
I am after details of the sponsors for the 1988 Mr Pringles.I am attaching a picture that is the best copy of details I have been able to obtain sofar.

Can any one help with better details that I can scan and print off or point me in the direction as to where I can obtain them
If you want, I will make them for you. Get a pic from the web sights and e-mail them to me. I already have the penzoil but I need the rest.
Thanks for your reply.My problem is that the pic I posted is the only details I have.Some of the sponcers I can't even make out.Which websites would you suggest looking at if I want better details.

