want to add 3rd channel to my tunnel...where to place


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James montgomery

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
Want to add 3rd channel to my boat just unsure of where to mount it too..Will be using the don ferret meddle base with the o.s flight needle...if u guys have some pics off where u placed the 3rd channel at that would help and the inside of the radio box....I can't take my radio box out or tray so was thinking of marking a mount on top of the tray to put micro servo....thanks guys...few pics
Both of mine are mounted on the transom. On my ml 370 I used some al plate that the engine mount bolts hold in place and it extends a bit higher than the transom where my needle block is mounted. You may need to bend a right angle for your block if you use that method. Both are controlled with a solid push rod.
looks pretty familiar

slid the RX ahead an cut a servo in

right next to the throttle servo

put a servo arm on the servo to where it barley scrubs

the left side piano wire right down the left side

exit right next to the steering cable [ exit the same way as the steering cable]

straight shot to the transom where you mount the needle

notch the cowl so just the head of the knob of the needle sticks out

the two fuel nipples an the arm are straight up

2 screws in to the front of the transom


I would place it as close to the motor and tank so that you use as little fuel length as possible to avoid issues, just my two cents. Good looking boat

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No interference with the tank...and I be live I have fuel lines right with the tapper...but to make sure I will look at my 45s 3rd channel....thanks Marty and others for the info...see ya in a couple weeks I hope Marty...looking forward to seeing u guys soon and play ring around the pond..

Just checking on one thing with a question for you. Looking at pic 3, which of the 2 fuel nipples on the base is the one to the fuel tank and which one to the carb. One setup is the optimal choice and takes advantage of the function of the needle. Just to make sure you know which one is best.

One suggestion to consider - you have much less travel to the lean side (rearward to the transom) than the rich side. That is not bad really as you can die more on the lean side than the rich side. Test it when you can. May find to get the travel you need, you may need to place a small block between the transom and the needle base. 3/16" should work great and give max travel for what you need.
Thank u John for the info my tank line is going to is the one closest to the needle control arm and the one farthest one away from control arm is going to the carb...gonna do a bench run on it tmrw to see how it works and if have to will add the peace behind the needle base.....Marty I did hear that I was in there today and got some more servos and pick up a couple models for cheap today...sucks now r only hobby store won't be open after a few months guess I better stock up now on things...lol...we should buy the hobby store....lol
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To find the greatest use of the needle taper, reverse your lines from what noted. Some say it makes no difference, but many say take advantage of the long taper of the needle to be more precise in the flow as it is more uniform to the carb. The fuel is coming to the carb from all sides of the needle. That is the way I run them and it works very well.

Cannot tell from the pics what needle you have installed. The proper needle for 20/40 boats is the long taper one with the circle cut into the side of the knurled knob. More precise for the small engines.

The fuel flows in the same way the needle goes in down the tapper of the needle.And it does make a difference on the flow meter on the fittings.The fitting closest to the needle is were the fuel line from the tank goes.The other fitting goes to the carb.See pictures added on how the flow on the needle changes on the same needle setting when the fuel hose is on each nipple.


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Interesting thanks Dave. So it runs lean going up the tapper then it does following the tapper down the needle....I have tried it that way going up the needle and made my 45 run real lean but I did that by accident tho and changed them back around....Dave is it possible that some needles r different like what John is talking about...because I have used some manual needles that seem to work better going up the rapper?

With out knowing how the manual needle is made I wouldn't no on that.With the pictures showing the difference and I just try it on a manual needle it is the same as the picture.