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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
This is what happens when you have-

-No football to watch

-Too much tequilla

-A sharp knife

-A large lime

-And a VERY patient cat!
(After falling out of the chair laughing) There has GOT to be a boat in the garage that you can play with. On second thought....stay away from the Dremel.
Choose one:

(1) It must be snowing in Virginia.

(2) It must be cold as the dickens in Don's garage.

(3) All Don's boats are ready for spring.

(4) Don's trying to get enough posts to upgrade his status to world racer.
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Choose one:

(a) It must be snowing in Virginia.

Mikey, when was the last time you looked out your window?

( B) It must be cold as the dickens in Don's garage.

No it's not bad at all, heaters keep it tolerable but I need to paint & if I raise the door for the exhaust fan, there goes my heat & in comes the snow!!

© All Don's boats are ready for spring.

Boy don't I wish.........

(d) Don's trying to get enough posts to upgrade his status to world racer. :lol: :lol:

Actually I think it's called cabin fever......... :p :p :p :p
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Knowing Don he wants to be a World Racer not a Club Racer so I pick D.


Stay warm Don!
That's what I love about this group, you're allowed to have a sense of humor here! (..and post funny pics too!) :p :p :p

Yes Ron & don't you get sunburned...... <_<
Don as far as I know this is the only Forum there is! :p Good riddens YABB!

My god sons 7 and 10 were out running RC Boats for the first time today, I bought each of them the little 1/12th scale Pro Boats Budwieser and it looks as though we have two up and coming racers :D Very Proud and Happy God Father :D I am! Any way they did get a little sunburn but this ole dinosaur hide of mine kinda toughened up during the ice age and now it dont burn much LOL!

Don I would really love it if you and Finch could see your way down to Orlando next January for the next installment of the Orlando Winter Nationals besides you kinda owe me lol as I went to Greenbrier one year remember?

We had what people are calling the best ever this past week and I plan next year's race to be more fun than this year!

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Don as far as I know this is the only Forum there is! Good riddens YABB!

AMEN to that!!!! B)

Don I would really love it if you and Finch could see your way down to Orlando next January for the next installment of the Orlando Winter Nationals besides you kinda owe me lol as I went to Greenbrier one year remember?

I think that will be a distinct possibility for the next Winternats. :D Even though Greenbriar is not my club, it's my district so I guess ya sort of got me there ..... :p
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Actually I think it's called cabin fever.........

I know how that is. Spent Saturday in the garage with the electric heater running while I rearranged and cleaned behind everything. Finally fixed all the things I didn't have time to fix before. Sunday I spent the whole day out there again (with the electirc heater running) making mufflers. Here I am on Monday morning checking the TV channels' website to see that work is closed due to snow so I can spend another day in the garage.

Orlando is sounding better and better.
Geeeeez, that ain't snow, that's just a "dustin".

Come to Canada, we'll show ya snow. In fact when I was a kid they sent us to school with a straw so we could breathe when the snow went over our head :eek:
Yeah, yeah, I know Terry, you Canucks laugh at this. But you're talkin' to a guy who gave away his snow shovels when we moved here this past summer. All because his racing partner, a guy named Finch, said it don't snow hardly ever & when it does you can practically just sweep it off with a broom. Ever try to clear 6" of snow (with a touch of sleet on top) with a #*@#ing broom?? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
You didn't move on account of what that Finch guy said did you :eek: Say hi to John for me, drag his butt up to Elmira this July so we can have our way with him :lol:

Wish we had your 6" up here today, looks like round one might give us 12-18" then they're talking freezing rain on top of that tonight, glad I'm not workin' :blink:
Terry Keeley said:
You didn't move on account of what that Finch guy said did you :eek: Say hi to John for me, drag his butt up to Elmira this July so we can have our way with him :lol:
I think Elmira is on our agenda for July. I missed it last year because of the move down here. Felt funny not being up there...... :p

WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TO much BOOZ. Maybe you should just stick to beer.

:D :D :D

Get wasted and wake up and :eek: :eek: :eek: OOOOO **** what did i do to the cat?

LOL Well you got more snow than us here.

we got alittle dusting here 2-4 i think.

Hey glad to see your here.

love the jokes and pics.

Don Ferrette said:
Hey Ron, they call this white stuff snow............
Nice job on the driveway Don at least your not snowed in!

Mike come on down the water isnt hard down here and boat racing all year long.

Eh Terry you got to be NUTS living in those conditions LOL!

Now here's a real storm, still comin' hard and gonna change to freezing rain tonight, what am I doin' here?

ps Ron: we still haven't figured out those hard water props yet. :huh:

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