"The mass-mailing worm, called "Mydoom" or "Novarg," arrives with various subject lines and comes with a ".zip" attachment file that, when opened, can pick off e-mail addresses on a computer's hard drive and fire off infected e-mails to other computers. A computer is only infected when the attached file is OPENED -- and how many times have we been told NOT to open attachments we aren't expecting?" <_< <_<
"More on how "MyDoom" works: "The virus spreads in an e-mail message that looks like it was garbled during its journey to the recipient's in-box. The body text urges recipients to click on the attached file if the contents of the message are damaged or unreadable. The virus launches when the attachment is opened," washingtonpost.com reported. "The more immediate problem for computers infected with the worm is that they will automatically allow the virus's authors to connect remotely and upload files such as malicious software to forward spam e-mails. The worm also creates a mass-mailing of itself that is expected to clog many corporate e-mail servers or slow down Internet traffic, according to Cupertino, Calif.-based anti-virus software developer Symantec Corp."
""Symantec ... said the worm appeared to contain a program that logs keystrokes on infected machines. It could collect username and passwords of unsuspecting users and distribute them to strangers."
This one's nasty folks! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: