UPDATE: better quality streaming @intlwaters #chiberia webcam


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I'm having some fun tonight and setup a live webcam. It just points out my window across the street. Tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get more snow and the temperature is supposed to go down to -17 or so not including windchill.

It's dark right now so you don't see much, and it is a low res webcam but fun none the less. So check it out if ya want:

Tonight I upgraded to a better quality camera. and it also now does streaming video! We are supposed to get nearly a foot of snow between tonight and tomorrow so it is still the #chiberia webcam!

streaming video:

Photo update every 10 seconds:
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We sure did. I don't know anybody that has done it since. the old chat cam you had was really fun!
the snow is coming down like crazy right now but the cam is too cheap/old for it to showup.
Ummm maybe. But not today. Way to cold. Im trying to get a higher quality web cam.
You can sorta see the snow around the street light. Its coming down pretty good. I saw the squirrel in my tree.... while im at work
Darn.... its down. I think we lost power at the house. My ip wont even ping.
I got a dollar says you wont run by the cam in a pair of shorts Tom
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