Unlimiteds going to Qatar in 2009


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Tony Jacuzzi

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2002
I have not heard anything recently about the Unlimiteds going to Dubai/ UAE this year in preparation for a proposed new International unlimited series. I believe Elam and Boeing were involved, any update ? Tony J
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This will certainly bring some big money potential to the unlimiteds...

January 13, 2009

Doha, Qatar - The American Boat Racing Association (ABRA) and the Qatar Marine Sports Federation (QMSF) have agreed to have the final race of the 2009 ABRA unlimited hydroplane season in Doha, Qatar. Ten of the fastest racing boats in the world will travel here next November for the inaugural Oryx Cup event --the ABRA/UIM World Championship -- as a result of an Agreement in Principal reached January 9 between the ABRA and the QMSF. Read more at http://www.abrahydroplanes.com/index.php?o...8&Itemid=59
There are also rumors of a few races down under and Euroup. This will surely bring much needed TV coverage as well as bigger sponsors ie $$$ to the sport. Just remember kiddies, more interest in big boats overseas means more interest in RC boats overseas.
From Evansville, IN Newpaper

Thunder tentatively scheduled — now — for Aug. 22-23

By Gordon Engelhardt (Contact)

Although the details have not been finalized, Thunder on the Ohio will tentatively be moved this year to Aug. 22-23.

The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE) will conduct its own event on the last weekend of June, which had been the traditional opening weekend for the American Boat Racing Association unlimited hydroplane series. Originally, ABRA officials said the race would be Aug. 28-30, but a conflict with the popular Frog Follies car show ended that idea. The group also looked at Labor Day weekend, but figured possible race-goers could have other plans for the holiday.

“We are proceeding toward finalizing the sale agreement with the Freedom Festival,” ABRA chairman Sam Cole said today. “It took us one and a half months to get all the documentation. Hopefully it will be finalized within the next week or two.”

The ABRA board of directors voted on Nov. 21 to acquire the physical assets of the Evansville Freedom Festival along with specified liabilities as a first step toward hosting the 31st running of Thunder. It agreed to move forward with obtaining the necessary approvals and commitments needed to stage the race, including an alignment with an Evansville Charity, obtaining support from the city of Evansville for its services, coordination with GAGE and securing commitments for sponsorship of the event.

“I’ve been told things will work out with the city,” Cole said. “We’ve rescheduled it for late August,” Cole said. “That fit in well into our schedule.”

The ABRA had originally planned to host Thunder on Labor Day weekend, but the city of Evansville had a conflict, Cole said.

In addition, Cole announced on Monday that the ABRA and the Qatar Marine Sports Federation (QMSF) have agreed in principal to host the final race of the 2009 ABRA season in Doha, Qatar on the third or fourth weekend in November.

The ABRA and the QMSF have a three-year agreement.

Doha, the capital city of Qatar, has 1.3 million residents. It is located halfway up the country’s eastern peninsula, facing the United Arab Emirates.
When those Arab folks see those unlimiteds, they will try to stick propellars on the butts of their camels and try to race them in an off shore class.
If you've ever seen a modern camel race you'd realize that some camels are already radio controlled! No, it's not a joke; in past years they used to have a kid on board to hit the camel on the flank with a stick to make it go faster in a race (not unlike thoroughbred horse racing with adult jockeys). But the kids kept getting hurt, so now the owners tie boxes on the camels' humps with a motorized whip that is radio controlled from the sidelines. Quite the event to watch....in the flesh or on TV.

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When those Arab folks see those unlimiteds, they will try to stick propellars on the butts of their camels and try to race them in an off shore class.
If you've ever seen a modern camel race you'd realize that some camels are already radio controlled! No, it's not a joke; in past years they used to have a kid on board to hit the camel on the flank with a stick to make it go faster in a race (not unlike thoroughbred horse racing with adult jockeys). But the kids kept getting hurt, so now the owners tie boxes on the camels' humps with a motorized whip that is radio controlled from the sidelines. Quite the event to watch....in the flesh or on TV.

Wow if their doing that I guess they could put a prop on their rump and run offshore.

And yes Mikey I would say that two humps would be a twin. LOL
There are also rumors of a few races down under and Euroup. This will surely bring much needed TV coverage as well as bigger sponsors ie $$$ to the sport. Just remember kiddies, more interest in big boats overseas means more interest in RC boats overseas.
Gaday Guys

Hell yer

Forget the Arabs :lol: theres way to much sand in the air and thing tend to have a higher chance of blowing up over there :eek: (must be the heat) :lol: :lol: bring the hydros down here heck we run class 1 offshore in Sydney harbour

why not some Unlimited. i would like to see that Brad

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