Unlimited Hydro pics


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
I got this email from Ned. A couple years ago bought some 73 RedMan pics SUPER HIGH QUALITY...........To All Hydroplane Fans, A CD DISC CATALOG TO DOWNLOAD-read on!!!!

Between trying to find a new place to move to, getting ready for the move, moving, and finally after one year getting settled in I have finally put 1180 images, of the almost 3500 available, of this Unlimited Hydroplane Collection onto a CD disc as a catalog that anyone can purchase, and download onto their computer for reference. This disc is done at a low resolution and jpeg format so blowing up or printing will not result in a good copy. There are about 172 different hydros accounted for on this disc, some only have one image and others have many. Also on this disc are all the laminated collector baseball size cards that were developed for this project. By no means is this all of the hydros there are, but it does give a really good cross section of what is available through this project for the benefit of the Fans.

The usefullness of this CD catalog is that you can really see the quality of the prints, and if there are any questions about quality, or if there are more photos in the collection all you have to do is call, or e-mail me.

If you would like to order this disc just send $30.00 S/H included to the following: Overseas orders please let me check the postage so I can give you the right amount to send.

Ned Crimmin

203 S. Whitman Ave.

Rosalia, Wa. 99170

Do you have an e-mail contact for Ned so we can inquire on specific pics? :)
Here ya [email protected] most of his stuff stops somewhere in the 80s. Neds mother was Eileen Crimmin who had the run of the pits to take pics of everyone and anything she saw fit to take. If your after a weird pic or a closeup of a peroid boat there are some wonderful pics and like i said quality as good as any of todays digital pics.......... Mike
Neds a great guy and luvs to chat about the 1/8th scales and full size boats.

I got some stuff from him last year and since then he always keeps in touch.

He just has to remember that we are in a different time zone cause those 3am phone calls upset the misses.

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