U-3 switches to turbin power


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Nov 18, 2005
I guess it's an end of an era. No more of those bone vibrating v-12s at the unlimiteds any more. Mr Cooper said he cant find any more piston motors so he's switching to turbin power for 09.

I guess instead of "thunder on the Ohio" it will be "whistle on the Ohio" :D
I guess it's an end of an era. No more of those bone vibrating v-12s at the unlimiteds any more. Mr Cooper said he cant find any more piston motors so he's switching to turbin power for 09.
I guess instead of "thunder on the Ohio" it will be "whistle on the Ohio" :D
That is sad! :( I love seeing that boat with its big V-12 and monster turbos competing against the turbines. You would think someone would have made castings like the French did of the old ford flathead. You can still buy new blocks for those things.
I wonder why they would announce this a day before April fools day, you would think they would at least wait until tomorrow.
Well, Now I will have the option of keeping my cowl on my scale if they run turbine . A Master Tire Turbine power?
The fact that the article describes Ed as "giddy" should be a dead give away.
The fact that the article describes Ed as "giddy" should be a dead give away.
Okay, in that case, Ed definitely "Got Me". haha!! Cause I wasnt taking it well. Thank you for making me feel better, ED is never "giddy".
Actually, the joke was on Ed as well. He did not know that the webmasters, Kirk and Mike, were going to put this on the website. I bet his phone has been ringing off the hook all day.
HA Ha I just looked at the site , Well now i have to make my scale with allison dummy engine .
Gotta love a little fun in the offseason!!


