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I know the paint is really tough (all white, sometimes with footprints) but it would be embarrassing to get the number wrong. These pictures (https://www.intlwaters.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=393&pos=17 https://www.intlwaters.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=785&pos=7) don't look like what I've seen in the past. The ones here (https://www.intlwaters.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=785&pos=5) are more like what I was thinking about, but there is no number. Is there a picture of the real Boat around? Which was it like?

Lohring Miller

PS Glenn, you take the best pictures. The Leaping Leecraft (https://www.intlwaters.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=389&pos=12) is my favorite.
Hey Loring,

If you have a pic of all the footprints and put them on that bland beast to scale, I'll provide the style and placement of the U-100.

Never has one hull caused so much discussion. I thought Al Waters had written an article for Propwash negating this thing as a valid paint scheme, but I can't find it. Every couple of years someone wants to model it and we go through the drill. I believe the boat never raced without the rear tail feathers, there have certainly been a number of people that have entered this thing without those tail feathers. I don't believe I have ever seen a decent pic of the real hull - - not one. I don't believe APBA would have allowed it to race without a U number on it. The hull only raced once as "U-100 Boat" - 1986 Budweser Columbia Cup TRi-Cities, WA. It Did Not Finish.

Why not pull out all the stops, put a 1/4" blue outline as a perimeter of sponsons,Tom Wright's Miss Houston on each sponson, add a U-40 in Lt. blue to the after deck and call your hull MHR 8255 1983 U-40 Miss Houston (white). CHEERS !!! Bob
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I have 6 of the 9 races on video from 1986. The BOAT debuted in Tri Cities WITH TAILFEATHERS. It looked exactly as the pic of the model you posted Lohring. If was a DNF a lot so not a lot of shots of it but enough to see what was on it. That is the only time it appeared as the all white U-100. In Seattle it was the A&A Tool Supply or something to that effect. I have to find my screen grab tool and I will try to pull a still from the video. I haven't used it in a while but I will find it.
Hey Loring,

If you have a pic of all the footprints and put them on that bland beast to scale, I'll provide the style and placement of the U-100.

Never has one hull caused so much discussion. I thought Al Waters had written an article for Propwash negating this thing as a valid paint scheme, but I can't find it. Every couple of years someone wants to model it and we go through the drill. I believe the boat never raced without the rear tail feathers, there have certainly been a number of people that have entered this thing without those tail feathers. I don't believe I have ever seen a decent pic of the real hull - - not one. I don't believe APBA would have allowed it to race with a U number on it. The hull only raced once as "U-100 Boat" - 1986 Budweser Columbia Cup TRi-Cities, WA. It Did Not Finish.

Why not pull out all the stops, put a 1/4" blue outline as a perimeter of sponsons,Tom Wright's Miss Houston on each sponson, add a U-40 in Lt. blue to the after deck and call your hull MHR 8255 1983 U-40 Miss Houston (white). CHEERS !!! Bob
ya mon do the Houston
I have 6 of the 9 races on video from 1986. The BOAT debuted in Tri Cities WITH TAILFEATHERS. It looked exactly as the pic of the model you posted Lohring. If was a DNF a lot so not a lot of shots of it but enough to see what was on it. That is the only time it appeared as the all white U-100. In Seattle it was the A&A Tool Supply or something to that effect. I have to find my screen grab tool and I will try to pull a still from the video. I haven't used it in a while but I will find it.
Mike with the pic open just hit the "print screen" key (upper riight).. open paint and hit "control V" .. crop the image and save as a JPG..

I have 6 of the 9 races on video from 1986. The BOAT debuted in Tri Cities WITH TAILFEATHERS. It looked exactly as the pic of the model you posted Lohring. If was a DNF a lot so not a lot of shots of it but enough to see what was on it. That is the only time it appeared as the all white U-100. In Seattle it was the A&A Tool Supply or something to that effect. I have to find my screen grab tool and I will try to pull a still from the video. I haven't used it in a while but I will find it.
Mike, everything I have read supports what you said about debuting WITH TAIL FEATHERS and it only ran that ONE time without sponsor markings. Here is the article Al Waters wrote for the NAMBA newsletter in 2004 regarding this boat-

1986 U-100 The Boat

By Al Waters

President SCSTA District 19

The Boat. The Fred Leland unsponsored all white unlimited. This boat raced in Tri-Cities in 1986 where driver Mike Hanson first qualified. So what is so special about the Boat? A few years ago a photo was discovered of the Boat, in the water, with no identifiable markings, and no verticals or horizontals. NAMBA rules allow photos to authenticate the look of an unlimited. The problem was the interpretation of the NAMBA rules. But by who? Well, it would have to be the NAMBA Scale Chairman and the person responsible in the district where the Boat first ran. Coincidently, both those people are ME! I will admit, that if I knew then, what I know now, I would not have allowed the Boat, as we know it, to run. The photo of the Boat was taken on a Friday with no hull number or tail feathers. On Saturday when the boat qualified, the U-100 was painted on the hull and tail feathers added. It then raced on Sunday of which if you can find a good photo, there will be footprints all over the hull. The key word in misinterpreting the rules is the word “ran,” not qualified or raced. That was my error. We don’t build damaged boats, practice or display boats. We build boats that would be considered legal in the racing world. Our NAMBA rules could be changed from “ran” to “raced” and hull specs to include hull ID number but we all know for a boat to compete in an APBA race it has to have an unlimited hull ID number. The 1986 U-100 Boat ran with tail feathers when it displayed the U-100. Where does all this lead? As the NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman, I am not going to make a determination on the allowable configuration of the Boat, but will let the districts decide. In District 19, where the Boat first ran with no hull ID number or tail feathers, it has been decided that the Boat must have the U-100 on the hull to be scale legal, which means that it must also have the tail feathers. The changes will become effective in District 19 for the 2005 race season.

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Hey Loring,

If you have a pic of all the footprints and put them on that bland beast to scale, I'll provide the style and placement of the U-100.

Never has one hull caused so much discussion. I thought Al Waters had written an article for Propwash negating this thing as a valid paint scheme, but I can't find it. Every couple of years someone wants to model it and we go through the drill. I believe the boat never raced without the rear tail feathers, there have certainly been a number of people that have entered this thing without those tail feathers. I don't believe I have ever seen a decent pic of the real hull - - not one. I don't believe APBA would have allowed it to race with a U number on it. The hull only raced once as "U-100 Boat" - 1986 Budweser Columbia Cup TRi-Cities, WA. It Did Not Finish.

Why not pull out all the stops, put a 1/4" blue outline as a perimeter of sponsons,Tom Wright's Miss Houston on each sponson, add a U-40 in Lt. blue to the after deck and call your hull MHR 8255 1983 U-40 Miss Houston (white). CHEERS !!! Bob
Even better, Mike, get me the Executone decals. However, I really sympathize with your family problems and was thinking of the Boat as a fallback that I could finish painting when the decals arrive. This Sunday it will race as the Boat in our club race with the all white hull and no numbers. I'll have to work harder for the Nationals. By the way, was the name and number put on in duct tape? I do have some of that and would need it along with the footprints to keep it truly scale.


Lohring Miller
There is a picture of The BOAT in hydroplane racing in the Tri-Cities book. It has the wings on it. It's a black and white pic. If it was just qualifying or racing I don't know.
Lohring your order shows it was already delivered. Sorry it took so long. I think I put a couple extras of some decals in there if not I'll send ya some.

Grim which program are you speaking of to do the screen grab? Windows Media Player? I had a really cool utility that was an add on to my video editing software. Only problem is I have upgraded software and bought new machines since I did it last it's been so long. Funny the last time I did it was to grab a still from boat racing video! LOL I think it was the 89 Circus School Bus since someone had asked me to verify which wings it had on it. I'll have to go get a new version of that utility.
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I know the paint is really tough (all white, sometimes with footprints) but it would be embarrassing to get the number wrong. These pictures (http://gallery.intlw...lbum=393&pos=17 http://gallery.intlw...album=785&pos=7) don't look like what I've seen in the past. The ones here (http://gallery.intlw...album=785&pos=5) are more like what I was thinking about, but there is no number. Is there a picture of the real Boat around? Which was it like?
Lohring Miller

PS Glenn, you take the best pictures. The Leaping Leecraft (http://gallery.intlw...lbum=389&pos=12) is my favorite.
Jim's Boat was from the Nats in 87 or 88' the other is Alfred's (He needed a scale to run before getting painted as the Oberto.....it's Alfred!! LOL)

I haven't posted a pic in that gallery since I think 07'. I found some Scale and Thunderboat pics from last years Nats. The rest are lost in my old laptop. Still trying to get a friend to fix that. Kinda burned out looking pics but I'll post some of them soon.
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The Executone (and $ Bill) decals did arrive! Thanks for your usual excellent work, Mike. The Boat will only have one test race like the above picture before it goes back to the paint booth. Since it's only testing, it should be legal. LOL Thanks for all the information, Glenn and everyone else. It was fun learning about a really obscure piece of unlimited history.

Lohring Miller