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New Member
Nov 3, 2006
Hello: My name is Chris Victor,I live in Phoenix AZ. I've been into RC boating and other RC things for about 30 years (I'm 48) I would like to share with this forum about my experience with Twisted Liquid, My first experience was the purchase of a 434 prop and a engine vibration kit, this , as it turned out, was to be the best transaction I ever performed with this company, I received the product in a timely manor, product was as described. My next purchase, an OS 18 cv-r motor modified by TLR, a pipe supposed to be polished with TLR logo on it (per the add on the web site),and radio box, in a week I received my purchase, the box looked like something you would pull from the garbage,but that's not really here nor there, I opened the box, the pipe was just an ordinary looking pipe (no polish or logo as the add stated), I pulled the head off of the motor to see the "TLR porting", no porting, I ended up having to match port it myself, and last but not least , no radio box,and no note stating, your radio box is on back order, so I e-mailed TLR and they said the radio box was on back order but" they just got some in " and they'll" ship one out to me tomorrow "!, well after a week I reply..... after two weeks......I e-mailed, and they said "yea your right you haven't received a radio box"," well ship one out tomorrow," well after a week I got it, Then I ordered two props 435, 535, coupler, drive cable, got them in the mail within a week, (they also sent me a turn fin to "test") proceeded to install the coupler, cable and prop, took Miss Vegas to the lake ran about 30 seconds and BOOM lost all my drive parts....cable, drive dog, prop, nut, got the boat back to shore and the coupler was still tight but no cable........ got back home and e-mailed TLR and to my surprise got an immediate response, they said that they had a problem with the vendor of the couplers and that they would send out a new coupler, cable, prop, drive dog and nut tomorrow.....WOW I was blown away, I sent back an e-mail thanking them, ............well one week goes by no package....... I response....... I e-mail response....... two weeks go by ......I response, .................I e-mail .....they said they never got my previous e-mail (probably because they deleted anything with my address on it). I asked them where my stuff was........what stuff?.......... I preceded to re explain my situation and there reply was" we never said that, we cant stand behind a product we didn't make" so I inquired on another web site, if any one else had a problem with TLR and promptly got my question deleted, well inn doing further research I found that in fact I am not the only one that has had a bad experience with TLR, the only comfort I have is in knowing that someone like this is just a flash in the pan, and will be out of business in a short period of time because you cant treat people like this and keep B. S. ing them for very long before it catches up to you.

thanks for letting me vent, hopefully this will save some of you the headache of doing business with Twisted Liquid

Chris Victor

I find it hard to believe that James or anyone for that matter would treat you that way. I have made several orders through Twisted Liquid with out a problem. I left you a private message in another forum where your complaint post was made before it got erased asking you to contact me, but instead, you join another forum where you can register your complaint for all to view.

I cannot speak on behalf of James or TLR, but I can say that in over $300.00 in orders to them, I have received everything that I have requested and paid for in a timely mannor.

In my opinion, it would be wise to contact them by other means that email if you are having difficulty reaching them. The phone number and yahoo account is posted right on their website. I can assure you that had I not received parts or services promised by a company that I had already paid for, an email would be my last resort of contact. I would want to actually speak to someone if I indeed were owed something. Not an impersonal email which may or may not be returned.


Chris I had mostly the same problem no radio box, after weeks I got the chunk of painted wood and some flex cable's that where soldered on so crooked they where unusable except for one no more business from me either
Dont know alott about these guys but I was a little put off when I saw that picture on there web sight that is a collage of different boats,That was histed right off of Fine designs web sight.Didnt really give it much thought after that but to me it just kind of threw up a flag.Sorry you got mistreated but I am sure they will straiten it out.I think one of the guys from that company is a registered user on here.I have seen him post.But I definatly would pick up a phone at this juncture.Good luck. ;)

The twsted Liquid thing popped up after the RTR boats became more popular. THey saw a possible market and attempted to make a go of it. Not a bad plan,,, but with over priced products, questionable quality and more and more unhappy customers,..... I question the quality of the products and organization,

More hype that anything...
...........All I have to say is I dont like seeign peoples dirty laundry get aired. Sometimes people should call them first.
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Your right james I should have known it was a piece of @#$% , but when you tighten something up you expect it to hold, My congratulations to you for pulling the wool over so many peoples eyes (thousands) Im sure youl be a great success, and if it doesnt work out ,you have a natural gift for bull $%#@....I mean politics