TT or LS


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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
would like everyone's opinions on which engine to run in my jae .21. not worried about parts or availability, i have that covered B) . would you run the older cmb gold head TT, the green head LS (silver case), or the green head LS evo2 (black case). i have all of these & spares, just trying to find a starting point without having to run & test 3 different engine & pipe combos. also, what pipes have worked for you on these engines? thanx in advance for any info.
Hey Robin,

I have only run the Green head LS in my FF 21 rigger. That was one smoken boat and that engine ran sweet!
i have run both these engines as ob's. the LS runs very well on my VERY HEAVY leecraft (6 lbs. 9 3/4 oz.). it rpm's well spinning a x-442, producing good speed. the TT is on my sundowner ob rigger. it also runs excellent, spinng a severly chopped down 1445, runs low 60's on radar. just thinking that the jae being lighter & looser on the water would be better suited for the shorter stroke TT. the LS seems to have more torque, but rpm's produce speed, so i'm leaning towards the TT. some more input will be helpful.
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ok, seems the motor question is agreed upon, now what about pipes?? i have an older irwin quiet pipe, ssp td21h, ab .21 parabolic, ab 21xt billet, cmb muffled nitro pipe, one of tnrcboatracer's squarewave carbon fiber pipes, an ops 3280, one of al hobbs russian copies of the ops 3280, & an unknown short, fat carbon pipe that looks very similar to the pipe shown on aaron's pic of his picco 90xt on the thread in the general boating forum on that engine. still have a little test time left this year, supposed to be in the middle 60's thursday, my next day off :D .
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I have a certain Irwin 21 nitro pipe that i know works great on the LS and EVO

motors that issought after by alot of folks.

Will trade it for the AB 21XT pipe. (which i use on the valvolas.)


will give you a call

make that the parabolic.
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ok, pipe question is taken care of, thanx carl ;) :) ! see ya at the fun run next weekend, we'll swap pipes there.

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