trying to up load pic of scale


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Are you trying to load it in the photo album or as an attachment? You need to reduce the background as much as possible then try it.
Hey shann...are trying to sell your scale again?? Did you build a new one? I can't wait to get my Freddy's Club back on the water!! See ya at the races!

Dan Brandon
Hey shann...are trying to sell your scale again?? Did you build a new one? I can't wait to get my Freddy's Club back on the water!! See ya at the races!

Dan Brandon
Hey Dan I'm not sure about selling the Exide.I was tthinking about it but when I take it down and do a little work to it Icannot see me parting with it .LOL.I'm waiting on a hull from Troy McIntire to do another scale.Did you make the changes to the Freddy's club??????getting the itche this winter will never let up though And work has been busy Haven't had much time for the repairs let alone anything else but I'll get it done see ya at the races later Shannon