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Supporting Member
Apr 13, 2006
Anybody planning to be running a Thunder Boat next year in D-2?? there just hasnt been enough to even have a class yet this year
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thunderboats have been run at several races. celina summer challenge we had 5 . seville had several. i think 09 will see many new ones on the water as we get through the "building" season.

this was a topic on jims boat dock also
If you want to get a new boat, get a thunderboat!!! This is, or will be, the best class in RC racing. I am really looking forward to next year when we can run ours.

I am currently building two Blazer Marine Lauterbach's, almost finished with the hulls. They will be the "Crazy Thing" and the "Dinomytes". I'm sure I will be building some more over the winter, at least thats what Brian says.

I'm in the process of laying down some veener for the first time. Wish me luck. The "Crazy Thing" had ribbon stripped mahogany on the decks and we would like to duplicate that look.

Treat yourself to a Thunderboat and have some fun!!!!

PS Do not change the rules ! They do not need to go any faster to have fun.

The Dad
The growth of the Thunderboat class has been amazing. It looks like its going to be a class in NAMBA D-9 starting next year.

The coming Gas World Championships in Las Vegas has 72 Thunderboats entered!
I am sold on the FUN Factor with these boat's, for sure, it's just a year ago around here they where suppose to come to life, but never did and a few of the one's that did have them sold them half way through the year,because most races never had enough entries to make a class . I look forward to running mine, just hope there's enough to make a class next year!!
I am not in D-2, but race in D-12. We had a decent responce of people with thunderboats this year. I built one before the season started (aeromarine T-Boat) and have had a blast with it. I really think that it is the class that I have enjoyed the most this year. No one seems to have any real advantage of speed over anyone else, and they are simply just a blast to drive!!!!! Unfortunatly we did not have enough at all the races for the class to count for high points in our district this year, but I don't think that will be a issue next year. Its nice to have another class that you can use stock motors in and build a boat for a reasonable amount of money. These are the kind of classes that will hopefully get more people interested and INVOLVED in model boating......

John Crouch