Thoroughly stupid boat stunt


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Ron Olson

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001

I personally am disgusted at the people that did this as you can see, they weren't using their brains. I've already seen some postings that people thought that it was funny but things could have become much worse and another tragic news story that we don't need right now. What if this boat had blown up in his face or just offsahore where any bystanders could have been injured by the flying shrapnel? I don't think that you'd see that video then except maybe on the news.

I personally am disgusted at the people that did this as you can see, they weren't using their brains. I've already seen some postings that people thought that it was funny but things could have become much worse and another tragic news story that we don't need right now. What if this boat had blown up in his face or just offsahore where any bystanders could have been injured by the flying shrapnel? I don't think that you'd see that video then except maybe on the news.
talk about a bunch of f*cking idiots!
While I was waiting for the video to load (I'm on dial-up and it's slower than usual tonight) I noticed more acts of stupidity on the side. One was blowing up empty gas cans. I didn't bother to look at that one.

I've already heard too many bad things about My Space as there was a girl earlier in the week kidnapped from her home on the east side of the state after being on there. The kidnapper was caught about 5 miles from me on his way to Indiana with her and a 15 year-old boy.
Ron, We log on to these sites. The numbers grow. If people would ignore this sh#t it would fade away. Sorry to say that won't happen. Just one more thing too talk to our kids about. Ray :unsure: :unsure:
Ron, We log on to these sites. The numbers grow. If people would ignore this sh#t it would fade away. Sorry to say that won't happen. Just one more thing too talk to our kids about. Ray :unsure: :unsure:
I agree with that

We do log on, just curiosity hu.

Another thing, why did he blew it up?

He could have given me that boat......

what does this have to do with myspace? :lol: i agree that myspace is kinda stupid, im pretty sure that it will fade within a few years just like xanga did. those guys are pretty stupid for doing that. they are either really rich or they are really stupid for blowing a nice boat up
The owner has posted that video on 3 different sites that I've found so far calling it a "mishap" which I found to be way off in describing what they did.

I don't know what the laws are in Washington state but I'd guess that they're close to what they are in all states. If JD can't feed the ducks, I'm assuming that they're pretty strict in regards to using explosive devices on lakes.

If anyone wanted to bust this guy, I've found enough info on him to track him down.

[update] Just right after posting this, I got an e-mail from Jim's RCBD, it seems like they pulled the thread off their site. Last night I pulled it from where I moderate at and have placed another complaint at a third site.
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I know I'm going to get my head chewed off for making this little observation, but let me see if I have this straight,

You posted it on this site because you found it objectionable and deleted it off of another site for the very same reason???.

Doesn't posting it on this site defeat the purpose of deleting it off the other site?

All you did was give it a new audience.
I deleted the authors video but there is still another thread on it still going condoning it.
vids gone... but if it was anything like the wone where they blew up a good savage i'd like to strangle them myself
I haven't checked but wouldn't be surprised as there was plenty of evidence that could have been used against him.
Ron, is myspace the problem or the few bad apples on it? I have a myspace page and have found it awesome for getting in contact with people I had long lost touch with. It is just like a with more features like clubs and video hosting. Sure the site has allowed perverts to prey on underage kids, but what internet chat hasn't? There is just a lot of it happening on that site because they are growing by the MILLION every week. Last time I saw there were 66million users of myspace; and that is just the number of people that have a page. That is not including the "lurkers." All this bad publicity is causing their membership to go up.

And about the boat stunt-that was dumb. I have seen and done worse though. I think most of us have, but didn't post it on the internet for all to see.
That problem isn't just on sites like My Space but my son got hit on in an AOL chatroom for Grand Rapids area kids. I wished that I had his s/n but told him that if he contacted my son again that I would pay him a personal visit.