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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
My 5 year old daughter Kaytlin has been expecting A LARGE BOX in the mail-

she already had a good idea what was in it - but not exactly - she was a LITTLE excited when it came to day - needless to say....


After inspecting the drive lines and boats -


Im pretty sure we got the seal of approval for Dads "sorta" suprise toys for her.


Cant wait to go have a little fun teaching her to drive it and play around together with both boats !!!!!

She already said she gets the 7 cell pack and the boat with the driver :D

I have to run the green boat on 6 cell-least the green matches the rest of my fleet -LOL- :blink:

Smart Kid B)

Will post some pics when we get to run em.....

Know there has been some tough dealings lately and such-

but thought MAYBE -

this could make you guys remember what its all about......

And bring a smile to a few.....

DID me FOR SURE .......

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Too cool man, I can't wait to buy my baby's first boat. By the grin on her face I thinks she really likes them. Ryon
She's adorable . Really like the the inspection pic. Thanks for the heart felt smile, It was a crappy day at work.
Look out Andy next thing she be beating you and say dad this is to slow can i have a twin lol
She must take after her mother. You sure it wasn't the mailman?

Easy there Rankl-

you been too quiet too long- LOL

Go let the smoke out of a Castle would ya :p

Hope all is well Ray, miss talking too ya B)

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Andy, Thank GOD for dads who still actually WANT to do things with thier kids....she,s a lucky little girl..THATS HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! But 5 bucks says she,ll be kickin yer butt in less than a year!! :lol:
Your a lucky man Andy my girls never took an interest in my boats.

Not to take way from the topic at hand.... but can anyone tell me why I cannot see the pictures I get a small box with a red X in it and says posted image next to it ? I see some pictures but other come up like this.
That's great. I look foward to getting pic's of my grandaughter when she gets her first boat. (she's 4 1/2). But I know the feeling about getting beat. My daughter started running sport 20 the begining of the year and just took first (with a perfect score) at the Mendota race (D4) this past weekend. I have yet to get better than third in sport 40 in 5 years.
Andy, Thank GOD for dads who still actually WANT to do things with thier kids....she,s a lucky little girl..THATS HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! But 5 bucks says she,ll be kickin yer butt in less than a year!! :lol:

THAT wont take much-

The old man is in some serious stick time need himself-

Maybe these will help- lol

Charging batteries now and gonna invade the neighbors pool soon-

If all goes well we will have a few pics ....

See you Sunday if it doesnt rain-

I mean "if the van doesnt break down" :rolleyes:

Right Bill- ;)

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Andy, Thank GOD for dads who still actually WANT to do things with thier kids....she,s a lucky little girl..THATS HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE! But 5 bucks says she,ll be kickin yer butt in less than a year!! :lol:

THAT wont take much-

The old man is in some serious stick time need himself-

Maybe these will help- lol

Charging batteries now and gonna invade the neighbors pool soon-

If all goes well we will have a few pics ....

See you Sunday if it doesnt rain-

I mean "if the van doesnt break down" :rolleyes:

Right Bill- ;)

Touche' Sir Andrew! Well done! I WILL see you Sunday....rain or shine! And if you get any pics of some Pool Racin', you just GOTTA post em!! That should be HILARIOUS! :D P.S. GAWD! I cant believe that she is 5 already!!!
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The weather was creeping up really fast and I had already opened the door with saying-LETS GO RUN YOUR BOAT-

So on a short charge - we went ahead and went for it in the canal instead of the pool- good move- ;)

SORRY NO PICS- for sure Thursday- Didnt want the dig cam in the rain- lol

She worked the throttle- and just like DAD -there is ONLY ONE SPEED- WFO - and I steered, just to get her feet wet so to speak.

HAD A BLAST - and it was constant smiles from ear to ear.

Then came the cool part-

the neighbor across the canal and next door where all outside checking us out- AND

IM PRETTY SURE -there are at least 2 more adult (kids) AND their kids that want one too......

Could be interesting after work fun- B)

FOR ALL......

Good times, more to come-

Im SURE :)

We will need frequency clips before this is all over,- lol

The newly formed- Davis Island Zig Zag Racers - how appropriate :rolleyes:

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Thank god for the chance to spend time with the little one's ,

{they grow up faster than you think}

And you miss those moment's when they + you get older.

My youngest is 26 and I cherish every time he want's to run boat's

GOD BLESS ALL DAD's That care enough to involve the kid's.

Rick Reisinger
Richie Moores kids started out racing in the pool with bouys now look the racing the big boys and doing good at it to.
love the pics, drew :D ! when we talked the other night, i was pretty sure that this would be the result. my son, travis, is 31 now. started him at about age 7 out on 1/10 scale electric off road buggies. he still goes to almost every race with me. hold on, it's goona be a heck of a ride :lol: .
love the pics, drew :D ! when we talked the other night, i was pretty sure that this would be the result. my son, travis, is 31 now. started him at about age 7 out on 1/10 scale electric off road buggies. he still goes to almost every race with me. hold on, it's goona be a heck of a ride :lol: .

Charging battery's right now- she insisted on trying "the fast ones" - the 7 cell pack lol- today.

Hopefully get a few pics.

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love the pics, drew :D ! when we talked the other night, i was pretty sure that this would be the result. my son, travis, is 31 now. started him at about age 7 out on 1/10 scale electric off road buggies. he still goes to almost every race with me. hold on, it's goona be a heck of a ride :lol: .

Charging battery's right now- she insisted on trying "the fast ones" - the 7 cell pack lol- today.

Hopefully get a few pics.

note to drew: don't make any bouy's harder than any boat B) :eek: :lol: :lol: ..........