The Bug


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Grant Ballard

Active Member
Aug 17, 2013
Just exactly how does one cure the nitromethane R/C boating bug..? My wife is gonna kill me. Just bought another boat today. I GOTTA STOP!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! LOL
It just keeps me busy and out of the way and off the couch. It's build season here in the north and I am going to finish last years started projects. Lets see that's 2 more Keps, ! more JAE 21 and 2 more 90-101s plus miss US2 needing decals from Mike.

MUHHAAAAAA... welcome to the dark side.

Early on, don't be on the phone talking port timing config's after 10:00, mow the yard without being asked, as far as the weekends go... do anything she wants on saturday, sunday you will be at the lake (or monday if your Andy Greene)

I remember the ultimatum, right after I got 2 seconds and a 3rd at my first Internats.........1995

Its the boats or me.

I miss old what was her name?

24 years and still counting.
Get her interested mine was and always was ready for the next race, or tell her just think i be out of your hair this weekend you can do anything you like :p :p :p Robert
I just try to make them all the same colors, that's the only way she knows what boat is what LOL..
When you are watching TV at night turn on the speed channel when she is watching life time.
get her involved. my wife has a .40 crackerbox & a traxxas revo 3.3! even so, she about had a fit when i came back from the race last weekend with an ez vee kit & a $250 gift certificate towards a hull from aeromarine :eek: ;) . she still doesn't know about the byrd's hornet & it's right under the boat table upstairs..........hey, she's got 3 horses, if i don't run a boat, it costs nothing. i tell her the horses eat, sitting in the pasture or on the trail :lol: .
When Tommy got his first boat I told him either I raced too or we would need to find another hobby that we could participate in together. We've been racing together for 30+ years (with a 15 year hiatus for hot rods) and still enjoy rc boats and traveling to races today. It's not just the boats, or the competition, but the people you get to know from all over.

All kidding aside, My girlfriend comes to the pond on testing days race days she always supports me.Like Cindy said get her involved.Hey she might like it..
MUHHAAAAAA... welcome to the dark side.

Early on, don't be on the phone talking port timing config's after 10:00, mow the yard without being asked, as far as the weekends go... do anything she wants on saturday, sunday you will be at the lake (or monday if your Andy Greene)

I remember the ultimatum, right after I got 2 seconds and a 3rd at my first Internats.........1995

Its the boats or me.

I miss old what was her name?

24 years and still counting.

Yeah , I mentioned a test on Sunday, but after the look I got- I realized its our anniversary :huh:

Looks like Monday at lake X- Premo ;)
Andy, you will stop counting those eventually ;)
Rodney wise man that likes his toys = keep counting :p

Hows the little one doing buddy ?

I'm pretty sure I'm with Randy , cept it took me 2 ex's to find one that lets me play with my toys and actually GETS it , I'm a lucky man B)
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Hey Andy, little one is great brother!! Growing like a weed, and Addison is the best big sister a dad could ask for! She makes me proud!

And I hear you on the lucky man part. My wife has NEVER once complained about my boats, time spent in the shop, or being gone so much for work. She "gets it". She even goes to far as to make sure that we dont schedule anything on Sundays, as she knows thats the only time I get to mess with my hobbies. A good woman goes a long ways buddy!!
For the most part its all good advice shes really not that bad. she knows I enjoy it and she thinks its pretty cool also just thought it would be a fun thread. I'm still not done tho. "EVIL GRIN"