Supporting intlwaters


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Would it be enough to simply give everyone that donates the extra donor logo? It does not seem that we have a lot of people looking to donate prizes and it would keep the forum free of any obligations so to speak?
somthing like this extra logo..... maybe we could make a better one but that is the general idea.

I personally, as I'm sure with many of the members on this forum, could care less about being recognized as a supporter of IW. I really don't think you need any special incentives other than keeping this forum on the air for all of us. Just ask and you will receive from those that can.

Don ;)
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it should be only $108 for our hosting for the year.

since our chat use is very small i think i have a free version that we can use.... it just wont be integrated in to the forum.

if we want it integrated it would be $56 - $75 per year.... pretty cheap i guess.... maybe it would be worth it?

what ya think?
I think I will start accepting donations monday so be watching for it! I will not accept any more money than it will cost. So anything over like $185 will be declined or $110 if we don't have the integrated chat.

At this time the recognition that i can promise you will recieve will be the extra logo and member group of donor like my tomstest profile

Thanks for everyones support!

Well not many people seem to use the chat, unfortunatley. Maybe this next year more people will use it, and having the integrated chat will be very nice. Its nice to have it automaticly take your forum name and use that on the chat. Its up to you whether you want to have it again this year. I guess it depends on how much we raise, I dont want it coming out of your pocket. And Tom, I wouldnt mind if you use my donation for personal use. You deserve it.

Phil :huh: :) B)
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I would like for the chat room to stay around, we do use it a lot in the winter months.
The one thing I noticed with chat was that you never saw anybody in it. This did not mean that it was not in use. For some reason the link that shows people in the chat is not working any more. I click on chat one time to see what it was about and low and behold there was 4 guys in there. It did not show it on the main page. I think that is why we did not use it much. I for one would not use it unless I know there is someone to talk to. The new board also does not have a spot that show someone in there.

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it updates every 10 minutes.... or it is supposed to anyways..... if you dont see it nobody is in it. it does not show up if no one is in it.
I think I will start accepting donations monday so be watching for it! I will not accept any more money than it will cost. So anything over like $185 will be declined or $110 if we don't have the integrated chat.
Tom , why don't u keep on accepting it ? U could keep the money for the next years ?That way u don't need to ask a donation every year

Or u could make some inTwaters shirts and sell them ? With the donation money u could have a starting amount for them .

Its an idea .?

Bart Drieghe said:
I think I will start accepting donations monday so be watching for it! I will not accept any more money than it will cost. So anything over like $185 will be declined or $110 if we don't have the integrated chat.
Tom , why don't u keep on accepting it ? U could keep the money for the next years ?That way u don't need to ask a donation every year

Or u could make some inTwaters shirts and sell them ? With the donation money u could have a starting amount for them .

Its an idea .?



Yeah, I'd like to be ahead of the cut off this year but I can't always get online during the days.

Your member group donor thing sounds nice but what about all the guys that donated last year and those that can't get it done fast enough for your cut off this year. You're gonna make a lot of guys look like cheepskates and a number of other people feel bad about not having the money at this time. I really think that this recognition thing should not be done!

DON <_<

In other words, just take the donations and shut up! ;)
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Don Templeton said:
Your member group donor thing sounds nice but what about all the guys that donated last year and those that can't get it done fast enough for your cut off this year. You're gonna make a lot of guys look like cheepskates and a number of other people feel bad about not having the money at this time. I really think that this recognition thing should not be done!

DON  <_<

In other words, just take the donations and shut up!  ;)


uhhhh havent thought about that one.....

whats everyone think??? no recognition? that would almost make me feel guilty.....

i still dont want to take more money than we need..... this is not a for profit thing.
I kind of like the recongnition, and kind of not. The reason being is I know some people that truely are having a tough time with maney. But where im looking at is if you can spend hundreds of dollars in boats, you can donate 5-10$ Theres a bible story like that, where this rich guy donates a ton of money to the church which was like not even a fraction of his wealth but this poor lady donates a penny, which was hear entire fortune, and God recognized that.

Phil :) B) :blink:
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Ok Tom, at least you get my drift. ;)

It's only going to take 10 guys at 20.00 each to get what we need and that will happen so fast you won't be able to stop it! INTLWATERS, A COMMUNITY SUPPORTED FORUM says it all. It really doesn't matter who donates as long as we can help you keep it going for all of us and all the new boaters that will be joining over the next years.

Don :)
Okay.... So when will the ballot box be open and what account should the money be pay-pal'ed to?
Tom, if you get too much money then just put it away for another year or more or see if you can add more features like extra bandwidth for videos.

Anyone that wants to hold a chat at a certain time or day would just have to post it ahead of time. I'm working the 3-11 shift now and would be open to yapping during the day (beats watching soap operas!) or late at night.

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