Strut depth for Matrix ultimate


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2003
Im building the matrix ultimate the distance between the sponson bottom to the tub bottom is 11/16'' i was thinking a strut depth off about 9/16'' from bottom of tub to center of strut im running a SS1on 12 cells and a Nemesis 9xl on 12-18 cells any suggestions would be great.
not a strut depth thing, but this may help a bit too. i've built and ran several Climate hulls now. i love them to death, but i've found that the angle of attack on the sponsons is a little low. try moving your CG back farther than the "typical" placement. i think most say 1" to 1 1/2". you might want to try 2" or more. this will help make up for the low AoA. i've decided to scrap the sponsons from 2 of my climate hulls in favor of scratch built pieces with a higher AoA. as far as the strut goes...the depth sounds like a good starting point. give the strut a tweak of about 2-4 degrees. it wil help to lift the transom. however, the low AoA will cause problems if you have too much depth or too much angle. it'll hook in the turns. if it starts to hook, either change the angle back a little, or raise the strut. pick one at a time!!! that way you can see the result. changing both will just screw you up. trust me on that one, i keep changing 20 things at a time and have to relearn my boat everytime i run it.
not a strut depth thing, but this may help a bit too. i've built and ran several Climate hulls now. i love them to death, but i've found that the angle of attack on the sponsons is a little low. try moving your CG back farther than the "typical" placement. i think most say 1" to 1 1/2". you might want to try 2" or more. this will help make up for the low AoA. i've decided to scrap the sponsons from 2 of my climate hulls in favor of scratch built pieces with a higher AoA. as far as the strut goes...the depth sounds like a good starting point. give the strut a tweak of about 2-4 degrees. it wil help to lift the transom. however, the low AoA will cause problems if you have too much depth or too much angle. it'll hook in the turns. if it starts to hook, either change the angle back a little, or raise the strut. pick one at a time!!! that way you can see the result. changing both will just screw you up. trust me on that one, i keep changing 20 things at a time and have to relearn my boat everytime i run it.
I'd like to see your redone sponsons when you get them done Doug. Have you done the Blizzard Ultra also?? Andy
i haven't done a blizzard ultra yet. i've had two original blizzards and a blizzard X, and am in the process of building a banshee. on the X i think we may have built in a little too much AoA with the new sponsons, that or i just can't drive! on my banshee i'm building sponsons with roughly 12.5% AoA (1"rise for 8"run). it is slightly less than my blizzard sponsons, but more than the stock pieces. i've learned a lot about rigger's in the last few weeks, and i'm trying to apply it all into the banshee, and starting to work on my boats for next year. i'll see if i can get a pic of the sponsons when i finish them up.