STILL cant get a password!


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Bill Gibson

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2007
Don, Andy, matter what i do i still can not get a permanent password.....If its me doing something wrong, okay, just tell me what to do, PLEASE! The only way i can get on here is using a temporary PW, which i lose in a few days, it seems....i had the same PW for years...i simply dont know what could have happened....Thanks! Bill
Morning Windex-

long Holiday weekend ?? You got any plans on flying or going by Riverview for a visit ??

O'h yeah, I sent Tom a PM to see if maybe he can help

Miss ya bud.
Well I should say I tried to send Tom a pm- his inbox must be full. Hopefully he or Don will catch this, I will keep trying.
Thanks Robin and Andy!! Andy, i dont know what im gonna do yet! And YEP on the 4 day.....just got back from the Rec center...flying electric helis, quads, and planes inside an air conditioned gym....its about 90 degrees outside.......SWEET! Did the TTRA thing last Sat, 10 up and 10 down in under 2 waitin for rods at this was GREAT! How you doin???
Damn , I misread the date on the TTRA site and missed it- We sat around all day doing nothing

Sounds like you had a great day even though it was windy.

Doing okay man, other than a dinked up knee keeping me out of work - Im gonna ride out and take some pics and vids in the AM in Riverview, you ought to cruise out for a bit .
Yeah, Bruce(another boat guy) was askin about ya.....i told him i though you had hurt yer knee.... Ill try to see if i can get over to riverview.....the winds were ENE at the launch, so you could let em rip without losin em, but you just had to do a little walkin sometimes....learned a good lesson in stability or LACK THERE OF with a scratch built rocket i maidened...10' off the rod, went into the claasic end over end deal...looked almost like a cato, hit the ground on its damage..thats why i build em with EPOXY!! Learned that i will do a BETTER job of checkin the ol CP/CG thing!!!
Yeah Bruce Hartman , did he fly ??

Man it would be great if you could come over to the race - Im going as a spectator as well so lets go AM and try to blend in
YUP! he's got some nice stuff.....Andy, ill try to get over there.... would love ta see know GO FAST will do his BEST to shame me for not racin!!! HA HA! Hows Mrs Green doin?? Good, i hope!
She is well , as we hope your better half Judy is - tell her we said hey and Thanks for putting up with ya

You better try- I will take the brunt of Foleys rath for ya - besides he cant handle the both of us at once
YUP! he's got some nice stuff.....Andy, ill try to get over there.... would love ta see know GO FAST will do his BEST to shame me for not racin!!! HA HA! Hows Mrs Green doin?? Good, i hope!
You are a Museum Curator not a racer LOL !

I didnt even have to open your reply this am Foley, I already knew what it said, or damn close anyway
YUP! he's got some nice stuff.....Andy, ill try to get over there.... would love ta see know GO FAST will do his BEST to shame me for not racin!!! HA HA! Hows Mrs Green doin?? Good, i hope!
You are a Museum Curator not a racer LOL !
Be careful, or im gonna start a rumor that you ARE IN FACT a closet pocket protector techno freak who lives at RADIO SHACK, and SECRETLY flys electric aircraft, especially DRONES that check out babes skinny dipping in fenced in pools!!!AND your favorite music is 1970s disco/pop....your favorite band being ABBA or......THE VILLAGE PEOPLE!