Spray paint technique


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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
Question for all you painting gurus. I have always spray painted my models sitting horizontally on a stand. While going through some old magazines I read more than one article that talked about hanging the model vertically to prevent runs. At first I thought that was a mistake but when there are several authors writing about the same thing, they must be right.

My intuition tells me that wet paint on a vertical surface would more likely to run than on a horizontal surface. In fact, that has been my observation as I do get runs, sometimes, on transom or freeboard. Can someone enlighten me...



Wife was (as she calls it) a paint guru. As she states, one must paint the way it is most comfortable to them. She did think that a vertical object is easier to get into the nook and crannies than if it was laying horizontal.

Maybe someone else has other information..

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because light coats are allways better ( for higher can pressure and faster drying heat your cans in hot water,from the tap ,not the stove :p ) the problem they're correcting for is, getting the nozzle at 90 degrees to the surface being painted so that each pass lays down an even coat,especially important when doing a candy coat,
I think when you hang up your boa stern up, pant does not build up om the transom or steps, thus creating sharp edges, thus crating less thus....

Heres my thinking ever paint a car hood ?You can lay a lot of paint on a horizontal surface flows out nice now try painting it standing up and put the same amount of paint onit will run like crazy.
has anyone tried one of those cheapy [$29] hvlp spray guns that are sold on e bay?