Sport hydro classes


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Ken Webb

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
What kind of turn out does the nitro sport hydro classes have in Fla? I live about 30miles east of Tampa.
Name ?, spider, back in the day, 2005-2010, Sport 20, Sport 40 and Scale were well attended, dont let this distract you, get a hold of the Tampa or Brandon club, join, participate, race, what ever it takes to keep these classes active.
There were 6 sport40 signed up for the dist 3 melbourne race. This was a point race but a bit of cool weather and the fact that it is only two weeks before the bigger winternats race probaly caused a lower count. Sport 40 is quite poplular in FL.

I went to the race and it was a good time.
The last race in So. Georiga, We had 8 scale boats and 11 sport 40's . Rick Berden and the SOWEGA guys put on a fine race. We still have a group of sport and scale Guys that race both IMPBA and NAMBA in No. Fla. The Next race will be in Feb. Come check it out ! Dave
The last race in So. Georiga, We had 8 scale boats and 11 sport 40's . Rick Berden and the SOWEGA guys put on a fine race. We still have a group of sport and scale Guys that race both IMPBA and NAMBA in No. Fla. The Next race will be in Feb. Come check it out ! Dave

Are you and the gang coming up for the season opener in SOWEGA Feb 18th & 19th?

The get those entry's in,,, so they don't cancel classes and move stuff around.


Come on up,, it is a fun. layed back race. racing starts Saturday @ noon, so you REALLY can come up Sat. morning and only have to Motel it for one night.

Hope to see you at the WinterNats, and we can talk then
Hey Dave,

Check your PM and e-mail Dude, you have both from me in CA. Glad to see you're alive - - I was beginning to wonder CHEERS!!! Bob
There is a bunch of Sport 20 hydros sitting in garages and basements, mine included...we did run em a good bit a few years ago at both the 1 day WCRA races and sometimes at the district 3 two day races....usually had from 5 to as many as 9 boats for the class. Though i havent been activly racing for a while, The Sport 20 and 40 Hydro classes and 60 Scale were my favorite classes, and as Joe said contact the Brandon or Tampa boat clubs and get the sport hydro classes going again as they are really fun boats to run.

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