sport boat


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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Well i have had this boat for a few years now and have decided to re build it ,Right now its just for fun .Its a miss Attitude boat I love the stance of this hull it is 16 " w by 30 " has a go pro 25 but i might put a 21 in her so i can race.Not sure on paint i want to get it on the water i still need a fow parts stuffing tube and servos




i made a new radio box lots of room



Thanx for looking
Looks Dangerous. "Paint?" - a nice white base to start with my friend.
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Thanx .I realy love the mean look of this boat.there are some vids of her on my utube rdwurster it has never been over half thoutle it should be a lot better now i have the cog alot better ,Im thincking some shade of green maby lime.
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I have a ? right now the cog is right at the rear of the corner of the top of the turn fin or just in line with the frount of the scoop is this a good spot for the cog ?
1 1/2 to 2 inches behind the sponson transom is usually a pretty good spot (where your turn fin is mounted). So I would say your close.
I do, but its on the shelf. Running a wood boat this year. Made an Arno Birts Sport 20 instead. Its got Mike Hughes changes incorporated into it, and a few of my own. We will see how she runs.
robert you need to go check out his build his sport 20's got that same agreesive look. I have to admit it looks like him and MH did their homework.
Well got a lot done stuffing tube instaled servo linckage done.put wood in the bottom and around the stuffing tube and filles with epoxy .it stiffened up the bottom alot and now the tube wont come loosse got it plumed for fuel and got her running good .Its funnyits way rich as this engine is stll new only a couple of tanks ran but my cars all blow blue smoke but not this thing just oil Im still waiting on a servo for ruder and some more fuel line .well here are some picks



Man got the rest of what i need from tower and the 1 oz tank has a leak in the seam.It is really hard plastic exept were the leak is .It sucks .Now have to waite till tower opens on monday.Well at least it rainning and really windy so wouldnt run any ways.