sport 40 topping out


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what oval trim speeds are you realizing

  • 40+ mph

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50+ mph

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60+ mph

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 70 mph

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2003
i know that there are some rediculously fast guys out there in sport 40 class what speeds are you guys realizing, what hulls are you guys using. whiplash owners please respond also.
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i know that there are some rediculously fast guys out there in sport 40 class what speeds are you guys realizing, what hulls are you guys using. whiplash owners please respond also.
I guess you want oval race setup and top straight away speeds I would think most boats would get 55-60 racing over 60 on a good day. What do you consider rediculously fast?
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let me start by explaning the reason for the poll, i saw(and got my butt kicked) at the namba nats in 2005 NH by some really fast boats. ever since then i've been working to realize 60+ mph on a consistant basis it wasn't easy but i did it with my whiplash on sunday(yesterday) where my AC boat didn't get there the whiplash did. i think i can go even more than the 61.7 i got on the gps yesterday. i guess the answer to the question Phill posted and correct me if i'm wrong, over 65 in heat racing trim and over 70 would be rediculously fast for a sport 40. keep in mind that the straight away record holders in namba and impba are untouchable at 80+ mph

also those who posted "other and over 70 mph" if you don't mind sharing what hull/motor combo are you realizing the speeds with. thanks guys
Last year (well october 6 and 7th) at the last point series of the year all the point leaders and die hards were out for one last race. Well one guy (Randy Rhodes) had his original Mutt out that had been clocked at over 70, and I was catching and passed him like he was towing a buoy. Now I don't know if I was running over 70, but there was not a single boat there that even came close to my set up and combination.

I am running a Phil Thomas SSP45 with a CMB HR45(stock), Irwin flat can quiet pipeat 9 inches, Tindall turn fin, speed master hardware, strut depth 1/2 inch, and a 450/3.

We were all beat by an ACsport40II, so I bought one of those to work with this year.

hope this helps,


I did not run 40-II this past year, but this is the hull & #'s I did run...

Hull Muck

Motor CMB 04HR Stock timing,custom head.

PIPE CMB Small nitro pipe.

PROP Octura 1455/3.

SPEED Consistant 62-63 mph (fastest-66mph)

Merry Christmas ALL

Don :)
Last year (well october 6 and 7th) at the last point series of the year all the point leaders and die hards were out for one last race. Well one guy (Randy Rhodes) had his original Mutt out that had been clocked at over 70, and I was catching and passed him like he was towing a buoy. Now I don't know if I was running over 70, but there was not a single boat there that even came close to my set up and combination.I am running a Phil Thomas SSP45 with a CMB HR45(stock), Irwin flat can quiet pipeat 9 inches, Tindall turn fin, speed master hardware, strut depth 1/2 inch, and a 450/3.

We were all beat by an ACsport40II, so I bought one of those to work with this year.

hope this helps,


cliff was that AC doing 80 or what??!!!
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No it wasn't doing 80, but he handled the race water better, and when I was going for the win I jumped the start in the last heat and made up all but 10 feet by the end of the race.

No it wasn't doing 80, but he handled the race water better, and when I was going for the win I jumped the start in the last heat and made up all but 10 feet by the end of the race.
My Pt Picco powered Blackhead with a CMDI parabolic runs in the low 60s. I hope the new boat or the reworked one will run 62 all day without a hint of a blowover. My boat will turn on a dime and hold lane 1 in the corners. I have beaten the best and been beat by them even more. Patience is not something you learn over night im still learning it. .........
A lot of times its not always the fastest that wins, but the one who is more consistant and that can finish every heat, good example was the Namba Dist.1 sport 40 champ, scratch made dumas hull with an OPS 45, against PT, Muck, AC model & Whiplash!!

Merry Christmas!!!
:D I have been my experince own four differenet sport 40s in past:

+ AC Model with 45K&B speed about 52 to+ 57 mph

+ Areomarine Sport 40 45OPS speed about 50 to +55 mph

+ PT sport CMB45 HR speed about 53 to +60mph

+ Mutt II CMB45 RS speed about 55 to +65 mph

;) I decided to retire for sport 40 classes so My boats were all SOLD B)

P.S one Key important good driver skill than fast high speed

Have a fun race Good Luck !
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Last year (well october 6 and 7th) at the last point series of the year all the point leaders and die hards were out for one last race. Well one guy (Randy Rhodes) had his original Mutt out that had been clocked at over 70, and I was catching and passed him like he was towing a buoy. Now I don't know if I was running over 70, but there was not a single boat there that even came close to my set up and combination.I am running a Phil Thomas SSP45 with a CMB HR45(stock), Irwin flat can quiet pipeat 9 inches, Tindall turn fin, speed master hardware, strut depth 1/2 inch, and a 450/3.

We were all beat by an ACsport40II, so I bought one of those to work with this year.

hope this helps,



I can tell you for SURE that you will not run 70mph on a Sport 40 with an X 4-- Series prop that has not been highly modified. The leading edge (tongue pitch) is much to low to allow you to run any where near 70 mph. In order to run 70 mph in heat race trim you will need to run a 1400 or 1600 style prop with higher leading edge pitch, e.g. a 1455.

Marty Davis
I should not tell you this Henry but throw away the GPS and the radar they are just next to worthless for testing a oval race setup. Or better yet I should say that all you guys really need to keep using the GPS and radars as they can help you win ;-). Get a stopwatch and see how fast you can make it around the turns. IMO Marty is right on his observations on the prop ,the Mutt II is designed around the 1455 3 blade and it wins Nationals and District Championships every time it shows up. Get your mile heat times under 1:25 and you can be competitive at just about any NAMBA event in the country.
A lot of times its not always the fastest that wins, but the one who is more consistant and that can finish every heat, good example was the Namba Dist.1 sport 40 champ, scratch made dumas hull with an OPS 45, against PT, Muck, AC model & Whiplash!!
Merry Christmas!!!
this is something that i also realize. Consistantcy wins!!! truth be told Eddie , my whiplash wasn't running anywhere close to what i have it at now. that last race in Horseshoe lake was the break through point for me but by then the season was over but i'm working right now on it and we'll see next year, so if i'm consistant with my heat times under 1:25 and i always finish, that seems to be a tough one to beat and that is what i'm shooting for. i only use the gps to see what difference my prop selection produce but as Eric suggested i'll start using the watch too. like they say "there's always next year" Merry Christmas everybody
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I'm using an Andy Brown modified MAC and an X455 in this Whiplash and it ran well into the 60's on day one. I have no doubt it can get close to 70 with a 1455 but not while heat racing. I've recently changed the decks leading edge to add more downforce.

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I raced alot of top drivers this year and found 1 common thread among the best and fastest. They used SELF CONTROL with their trigger finger. I made my boat intentionally slower cuz I aint got much. I can bump 68 with my old pt boat but till I get that secret weapon from those guys I'm going to keep around 65. Find a really good and fast driver next year and watch and see if he floors it all the way around the track. I'll bet you'll be supprised.
I have been at this for some time now and I would say the majority of the Sport 40 boats are racing in the mid to high 50 range with very few getting into the low 60's.

I have never seen a sport 40 at a race running in the 70's and doubt I ever will , hell most 20 hydro's can't even run 70.

Tim k
The correct answer for heat racing is not listed. Just fast enough to win. Top speed is worhtless, corner speed is much more important. That said 65 in course trim, 84 in saw trim. Stock picco disc exr, Macs 10cc pipe, 1455x3, Hughes turn fin, homebrew 60%, in a muttII.

Test alot, race alot, and get your self a good pitman!

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