sport 40 prop recomendation


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Ken Webb

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
At one time I had a list of props. Lost my list. Need help please on prop selection. A/A45 eng. f/g hull. Thanks in advance.
When Mutts powered by Picos were king, Mark Anderson running a 1655 set the two lap record in 2001 that still stands. That takes a perfect setup and a high torque engine, but it is obviously hard to beat. The 1455/3 was more common for heat racing with the same boat and engine. Eric Bourlet won at least three NAMBA Nationals with modified versions of that prop.

Lohring Miller
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AA45 will not pull a 1455/3 properly, on any hull. When I ran my Mutt with the AA45, my best prop was a 1455/2 pitched to 3.3". The AA45 does not have the torque of a Picco. I ran a Macs 10cc aero nitro pipe at 10.25". Elevation was 2200' and 60% nitro Brewmaster fuel.
I agree with Rob. I tried everything I could to get the AA45 to pull the prop the MuttII was designed around ,I gave up on the high timed motors. Because my favorite boat is my Sport 40 and it was designed to run best on the course around that specific Prop I kept searching to find a motor with as much torque as the old EXR. The the CMB VAC 45 is a torque monster that work great with the 1455/3 blade. I don't think any motor with 190 deg exhaust is going to pull that prop on a Sport hull. Its unfortunate that most of the motors out there have the liners cut for the high timing the hydro guys like. It would help the sport classes if more manufacturers came cut lower and let the people that wanted 190 cut them .
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Standard prop with some cup and pitched up a little. But with the aa I tried no additional pitch. On cold days when I could get it to work it was fast but no way predictable or reliable enough to race.

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