Sport 20


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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2004
First off I hope Santa brings everyone a fun gift this year.

I do not want to get into a pissing contest on this topic, but what happened?? When I bought my son a hull from Brain Blazer I thought this was to be a beginners class. So I take him racing this past year and he is the only beginner in the class. There are guys that have been racing for years and have several other classes of boats. I understand manufactures like Phil running the class to learn it and make better a product. But some people are treating like thier life is depended on wining. Yes my son is a beginner and his driving is less then to be desired but we all have to start some where. We all talk about growing the sport and I am trying by bringing my son into it but what class? I think I will just have to turn him lose in 1/8 scale. Just kidding! I have been buying him new improvements this winter. Even with his bad experience he is excited to race next year. Heck even for Christmas he asked for a new engine! I want him to have fun with this hobby and have a good attitude about it all. But what class are we saying is beginners class?
First off I hope Santa brings everyone a fun gift this year. I do not want to get into a pissing contest on this topic, but what happened?? When I bought my son a hull from Brain Blazer I thought this was to be a beginners class. So I take him racing this past year and he is the only beginner in the class. There are guys that have been racing for years and have several other classes of boats. I understand manufactures like Phil running the class to learn it and make better a product. But some people are treating like thier life is depended on wining. Yes my son is a beginner and his driving is less then to be desired but we all have to start some where. We all talk about growing the sport and I am trying by bringing my son into it but what class? I think I will just have to turn him lose in 1/8 scale. Just kidding! I have been buying him new improvements this winter. Even with his bad experience he is excited to race next year. Heck even for Christmas he asked for a new engine! I want him to have fun with this hobby and have a good attitude about it all. But what class are we saying is beginners class?
Gale their really isn't a beginners class to speak of but just hang in there. I went through the same thing with both of my kids. My daughter's first competitive race was at the Internats and she was nervous at first but she ended up winning a heat & did very well all things considered. My son races 20 Tunnel and has become very competitive. I think they learned more by racing in competitive classes than when they raced the Novice class because they have to focus instead of just wondering around the course dodging other novice drivers.

I can tell you my blood pressure has stabilized since they moved out of the Novice class.
First off I hope Santa brings everyone a fun gift this year. I do not want to get into a pissing contest on this topic, but what happened?? When I bought my son a hull from Brain Blazer I thought this was to be a beginners class. So I take him racing this past year and he is the only beginner in the class. There are guys that have been racing for years and have several other classes of boats. I understand manufactures like Phil running the class to learn it and make better a product. But some people are treating like thier life is depended on wining. Yes my son is a beginner and his driving is less then to be desired but we all have to start some where. We all talk about growing the sport and I am trying by bringing my son into it but what class? I think I will just have to turn him lose in 1/8 scale. Just kidding! I have been buying him new improvements this winter. Even with his bad experience he is excited to race next year. Heck even for Christmas he asked for a new engine! I want him to have fun with this hobby and have a good attitude about it all. But what class are we saying is beginners class?
Stock RTR boats such as the Aquacraft Miss Vegas are a really good choice for the beginner. As time goes on more and more clubs and districts are adding these and other RTR boats to their races. Once a racer gets comfortable running the Vegas, they can upgrade it by installing a hotter .18 engine, do some work to convert it to a .21, or buy a new boat.
Hey, happy holidays.

My kids started out in the kids class, running monos. They graduated to the sport classes after 3-4 years in the kids class. A mono is great for the kids to start with. My older son, who is 21 now started with a tunnel boat. He became a better driver learning with a more challenging boat. My younger son (16) learned with a mono and drives well when he is patient. Two different kids with different boats, both became good drivers. It takes stick time for them to be confident with the boat at all speeds. I always told them to just drive and I will worry about the boat if it gets hit. We don't have a rookie class or beginner class in our district. In our district we always have a pretty good class of kids. I love the kids class, with some of my fondest of memories made right there. Good luck with your son, keep practicing and I think you'll be surprised at how fast he becomes a player at the races.

Have fun, Bob Tuttle
Don, You know how competive all the sport 40 racing is, the sport 20 hydro is no different. Your son will soon be racing up front, dont get down cause you are not winning the first racing heats. You learn alot chasing the faster guys and gals here in dist. 14. Hey they dont let me win all the time too just ask Cheryl B she loves to beat me and everyone else. :lol:

Stay with the sport 20 hydro, but also go get one of the .18 hydro RTR boats they really are a good beginners class cause everyone starts out with a boat out of the box that will run.

I heard all the clubs plan to run this RTR class in 08. Hope you do that in Madison cause it would be a great place for them.

Get that kid in the winners circle.

DOn,.. I've only seen you run in Indy but I've never seen anyone beat you in sport 20...

Don, You know how competive all the sport 40 racing is, the sport 20 hydro is no different. Your son will soon be racing up front, dont get down cause you are not winning the first racing heats. You learn alot chasing the faster guys and gals here in dist. 14. Hey they dont let me win all the time too just ask Cheryl B she loves to beat me and everyone else. :lol:
Stay with the sport 20 hydro, but also go get one of the .18 hydro RTR boats they really are a good beginners class cause everyone starts out with a boat out of the box that will run.

I heard all the clubs plan to run this RTR class in 08. Hope you do that in Madison cause it would be a great place for them.

Get that kid in the winners circle.

Don, just toss him out there like yah did. Tell him not to get discouraged by where he ends up, and he will get the hang of it no problem! My frist race was with a 21 mod tunnel. 18 other boats in the class. I was actually told by a certain person that "I couldnt race mod 20 for my first race, it just wouldnt be fun for me" Guess what, I ended up 9 out of 18 boats. Sure, it isnt the best, but it sure as hell wasnt the worst. I ended up better then half of the guys that were racing there, and had been doing it for years. Was my boat the fastest, no, but it was quick, was I the best driver, NO WAY, but I stuck it in there, and had a great pit man! Just let him ride, he will get it my friend ;) :) :D
. Was my boat the fastest, no, but it was quick, was I the best driver, NO WAY, but I stuck it in there, and had a great pit man! Just let him ride, he will get it my friend ;) :) :D

Rodney said something very important in my eyes. " a great pitman " I know in my first few races the voice in my ear made all the difference in the world. Some people are just better served pitting for someone new than others. Once I found the right voice in my ear, my driving improved a ton. I started running 40 mono and had never had a nitro boat before. Someone willing to stay calm and teach the driver is the key.

Good luck next year,

First off I hope Santa brings everyone a fun gift this year. I do not want to get into a pissing contest on this topic, but what happened?? When I bought my son a hull from Brain Blazer I thought this was to be a beginners class. So I take him racing this past year and he is the only beginner in the class. There are guys that have been racing for years and have several other classes of boats. I understand manufactures like Phil running the class to learn it and make better a product. But some people are treating like thier life is depended on wining. Yes my son is a beginner and his driving is less then to be desired but we all have to start some where. We all talk about growing the sport and I am trying by bringing my son into it but what class? I think I will just have to turn him lose in 1/8 scale. Just kidding! I have been buying him new improvements this winter. Even with his bad experience he is excited to race next year. Heck even for Christmas he asked for a new engine! I want him to have fun with this hobby and have a good attitude about it all. But what class are we saying is beginners class?

I went through the same thing with my son and 20 mono. Your on the right path with getting him out there racing with the big boys. I always told my son to just concentrate on driving a good line and get his six laps in. Once that happened a few times, then he got the confidence to mix it up with other drivers for position. It takes time and other racers should respect the situation with a younger boater trying to learn.
The key is to not let them form bad habits. Like Mike said concentrate on driving a good line even during practice.
The key is to not let them form bad habits. Like Mike said concentrate on driving a good line even during practice.
Don, I will be there with a new DPS Sport 20 hull that I am working on for 08. So let's have some fun with it. Doug
Don's story doesn't quite address it all. Sure he hasn't won... but that is not the issue. I don't think that is why Don is perturbed. The issue was all of the comments that were made when his sons boat started darting toward someone else's. I am sure that was rather upsetting. The kid is new...and he is the future. We experienced racers must let him run and not get on him ( or make loud enough comments to be overheard). If you are going to lap him, be smart and do it on the straight and go wide. It is totally the experienced drivers fault if you are close enough to him to get rattled or hit. Not the kids fault. You shoulda never been there. GO Don.

Don's story doesn't quite address it all. Sure he hasn't won... but that is not the issue. I don't think that is why Don is perturbed. The issue was all of the comments that were made when his sons boat started darting toward someone else's. I am sure that was rather upsetting. The kid is new...and he is the future. We experienced racers must let him run and not get on him ( or make loud enough comments to be overheard). If you are going to lap him, be smart and do it on the straight and go wide. It is totally the experienced drivers fault if you are close enough to him to get rattled or hit. Not the kids fault. You shoulda never been there. GO Don.Brian
VERY WELL HAD BRIAN, MY hat off to the CD that was on the stand for the way it was handled !! Doug
Don's story doesn't quite address it all. Sure he hasn't won... but that is not the issue. I don't think that is why Don is perturbed. The issue was all of the comments that were made when his sons boat started darting toward someone else's. I am sure that was rather upsetting. The kid is new...and he is the future. We experienced racers must let him run and not get on him ( or make loud enough comments to be overheard). If you are going to lap him, be smart and do it on the straight and go wide. It is totally the experienced drivers fault if you are close enough to him to get rattled or hit. Not the kids fault. You shoulda never been there. GO Don.Brian
If you want to learn how to drive, just watch Brian. The cleanest driver I ever saw. But back to the subject. I do think the seasoned drivers should stay away from the rtr class unless they need more boats to make a class. And it should always be at the descression of the club or district hosting the race. I loved watching the beginers at Celina in their own class (open mono I think)
Don's story doesn't quite address it all. Sure he hasn't won... but that is not the issue. I don't think that is why Don is perturbed. The issue was all of the comments that were made when his sons boat started darting toward someone else's. I am sure that was rather upsetting. The kid is new...and he is the future. We experienced racers must let him run and not get on him ( or make loud enough comments to be overheard). If you are going to lap him, be smart and do it on the straight and go wide. It is totally the experienced drivers fault if you are close enough to him to get rattled or hit. Not the kids fault. You shoulda never been there. GO Don.Brian
Very well put Brian, I totaly agree. If we as experienced drivers can not take the time and the effort to help the younger up and coming drivers where will this sport be in 10 or 15 years. Don I hope to see you and your son back and raring to go this year and many years to come..............Scott
Thank you for all your positive feed back. Brain is right about being upset with the comments made during his FIRST EVER RACE but I will let it go. The thing is we hurt ourself 's with the comments not only with my son but any person that is new and wanting to race for the first time. The thing is we need a class to start people into this sport so they can learn and be helped so they will enjoy there racing experience. I like the RTR class I think it is a way to go and my club will make it a true beginners class.

Brain it was you that made me want to bring my son into racing. Watching you and your daughter racing together is great. Now your son is racing and I hope to see him next year giving his all. I was thinking of having a kids class at the Madison July Race. Just put all of the kids together in a heat no matter what class they run and let them have some fun.

My son is getting ready for next year. He said he wants more speed for next year so we will work on it this winter. Phil and Doug look out you may get beat by an 12 year old. :p
Thanks Don. Both my son and daughter enjoy it and both have wiped other boats out. Not what we want, but I appreciate the other racer's patience and understanding. Both are looking forward to next year.

First off I hope Santa brings everyone a fun gift this year. I do not want to get into a pissing contest on this topic, but what happened?? When I bought my son a hull from Brain Blazer I thought this was to be a beginners class. So I take him racing this past year and he is the only beginner in the class. There are guys that have been racing for years and have several other classes of boats. I understand manufactures like Phil running the class to learn it and make better a product. But some people are treating like thier life is depended on wining. Yes my son is a beginner and his driving is less then to be desired but we all have to start some where. We all talk about growing the sport and I am trying by bringing my son into it but what class? I think I will just have to turn him lose in 1/8 scale. Just kidding! I have been buying him new improvements this winter. Even with his bad experience he is excited to race next year. Heck even for Christmas he asked for a new engine! I want him to have fun with this hobby and have a good attitude about it all. But what class are we saying is beginners class?
Gale, I have not read the rest of this thread this is just my comments from reading your post. 20 is a class of 55+ MPH boats. I would not call it a beginners class. 20 mono would have probably been a better place to start. In our area, they have a juniors class. What they are trying to do is have it be .21 or smaller mono...and a few other hulls. They allowed the stock Miss Vegas to run, because even though it is a sport hydro, in its stock form it is a 30-35MPH boat...and only costs $270. They are also trying to implement a rule that if you are entered in any other class, you can not race in the juniors class (there is also an age restriction, I think it is 12 Years old max). Even with racing in this junior class, you should have saw the look in my middle daughter's face when another junior went from the inside line, out to where she was (about lane 5) and ripped the wing off her boat when he ran her over. To me, this was a lot easier to accept than if my daughter had done this to someone's $1000 boat...

I think it is great that you are getting your kid into boating. I got two of mine into it last year with the Miss Vegas boats. Locally they also run RTR classes, which is also a great place for a kid to start. My oldest (16 years old) races RTR. No age limit in this class, and even though the boats are slower than most, they are fast enough to get them to learn about passing, racing rules, etc, etc.

Good luck to you and your son in your racing. I really hope it works out for him. It is a great father/child activity.

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