sport 20 rudder


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Active Member
Sep 20, 2004
i purchased a speedmaster mini rudder. the rudder blade from top to bottom is 6 1/4" tall. should this be cut down? if so what do you guys recommend the rudder height should be?
The SpeedMaster Mini rudder I just got is only 4" long are you sure you ordered the mini and not the standard 21 rudder? The 21 standard is tapered and the mini is straight.

Yes your right. I guess I did order the sport 40 size rudder. can it be cut down? will this effect the water pick-up?
It shouldn't effect the water pick up as long as the hole is still there.

Have you mounted it yet? Could you send it back and maybe trade it in on the right one?

What sport 20 you have? Maybe that rudder would be best, the mini is alot smaller. Still ifyou keep it you can cut it of about 4 " deep.

I found that the mini was not enough water for my boat. The pickup was too close to the surface of the water and did not work. I ended up putting on the 21 hydro rudder. The hole is lower on this blade.

hey thanks guys for the help. I guess i will cut it down and give it a try.

Phil... I scaled down a set of newton plans for the 1985 cellular one/1988 pocket savers plus that Todd Yarling and steve david drove. this is one of my favorite hulls. Before i put the decks on i wanted to get the hardware mounted. thats why i have been asking alot of questions about running hardware. do you sell your sport 20 radio box seperate? i might have space for it up front. do you have dims?

the next step is to build a cowling!
hey thanks guys for the help. I guess i will cut it down and give it a try.

Phil... I scaled down a set of newton plans for the 1985 cellular one/1988 pocket savers plus that Todd Yarling and steve david drove. this is one of my favorite hulls. Before i put the decks on i wanted to get the hardware mounted. thats why i have been asking alot of questions about running hardware. do you sell your sport 20 radio box seperate? i might have space for it up front. do you have dims?

the next step is to build a cowling!
IM sure it would not fit you should build the box into the boat if it is a scratch built boat, make use of the room out in the decks. Scaled down, the engine well should be at least 4 inches wide.

The rudder you have should work fine. Speedmaster also has a sport 20 strut that has a rear extension so there is more room to mount the strut in the hull and still have the prop near the rear of the hull.