Sport .12 Hydro


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Glenn Quarles

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 10, 2002
Friends, the IMPBA Board approved the Sport .12 Hydro class for a one year trial period.

You will be seeing the official trial rules in the March Roostertail. I have intentionaly put a very large length limit in the rules to allow as many available hulls as possible to be run.

Please remember the one year trial period is the time we have to make changes to the proposed rules to make sure we really get something that works when it is time to vote on it. Please feel free to forward any suggested rule changes to me as soon as you think of them...don't wait until it is time to vote!!!

As with all classes in the trial period there will be no records allowed, but let's pass on what kind of speed we are getting. I predict the SAW speeds will be in the 70's...who's gonna be the first to get there????


70 MPH SAW huh? Boy, have I got some tweaking to do but have to wait for the water to thaw (and waiting for a pipe from a certain somebody :rolleyes: ) to see what mine will do.

Any hints on what's in the proposal or do we have to wait until March?

I'd like to see some of those with .15 or .18 powered RTR hydros dropping down instead of going up in engine size.

I'm also trying to get a list going of what's out there that would be legal hulls for the class to help others trying to get into this proposed class an idea of what they can use.
Guys, here are the rules I wrote up for the proposal. Remember, this is just a starting point so please pass on any ideas you have that may make this work better for everybody. Specificly if you know of a hull that will work good in this class, but falls outside the lengths I have listed please let me know and I will change it.

The whole idea I had about allowing the two and three wing hydros is just to see what folks can come up with. Remember...a two/three wing boat is NOT any kind of outrigger!

Here are the rules you should see posted in the next Roostertail:

Boat Specifications

1. Boat must be inboard powered by a legal IMPBA “A” class engine.

2. Hull must be a three (3) point hydroplane configuration and resemble a limited or

unlimited hydroplane design of past or present. Hulls not permitted: outrigger, modified

outrigger, tunnels, or canard hulls. NOTE: models designed after a 2 or 3 “wing” limited

or unlimited hydroplane design will be legal.

3. Boat must have a name, or sponsor's name, or logo, or a racing number affixed to the

hull. (a local or national or fictitious sponsor name is acceptable).

4. Hull shall have a minimum length of 20 inches, and a maximum length of 30 inches.

5. If the bow is recessed behind the tips of the sponsons, that recess shall be no larger

than 25% of the overall length of the boat. (refer to Sport Hull Configurations)

6. Boat must have a driver in open cockpit or simulated enclosed cockpit.

7. A strut width no greater than 3/8 inch wide may be mounted either under the hull or on

the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom not

extending out more than 3 inches.

8. See Sport Hull pictorial for clarification of Sport Hull Configurations

Let's see some pictures!

OK Glenn (and others), I finally got some more shots of the work in progress.



OK Glenn (and others), I finally got some more shots of the work in progress.



Ron, looks good! It looks like you will be able to shorten your pipe quite a bit. It should be about 2" from the side of the head to the high point of the pipe. You will need to cut off some of the pipe so it will just slip over the header.

Let us know when you get to run it!

Just trying that header out for fit. Things are really tight as the cowl isn't giving me much room to play with. The brass tubing is long plus I've got a lot of that silicone tubing so that I've got a ton of room already built in for adjustment as far as going shorter. I've also got another header that may be better suited for the pipe to try yet.

I couldn't find thew posting where you gave the correct length but did amazingly find the instruction setup sheet that came with the first pipe that I got from you. Amazing as my workbench is a disaster area. :rolleyes:

OK Glenn, I just went downstairs and removed the header and pipe, did some measuring and there is no way that I can get the pipe down to where you say that it should be at. The header that I'm using is a Dynamite but still that shouldn't matter.

Are you saying the I may have to remove part of the pipe itself to get it that short? Color me confused.
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Just trying that header out for fit. Things are really tight as the cowl isn't giving me much room to play with. The brass tubing is long plus I've got a lot of that silicone tubing so that I've got a ton of room already built in for adjustment as far as going shorter. I've also got another header that may be better suited for the pipe to try yet.I couldn't find thew posting where you gave the correct length but did amazingly find the instruction setup sheet that came with the first pipe that I got from you. Amazing as my workbench is a disaster area. :rolleyes:

OK Glenn, I just went downstairs and removed the header and pipe, did some measuring and there is no way that I can get the pipe down to where you say that it should be at. The header that I'm using is a Dynamite but still that shouldn't matter.

Are you saying the I may have to remove part of the pipe itself to get it that short? Color me confused.
Ron, I'm sorry I thought you were using a Nova header...with the Dynamite (looks like an Associated right?) header you shouldn't need to cut any of the should just slide over the header. It should be closer to 2.75-3 inches from the side of the head to the high point. Except to get it to slide over the header you should not need to cut the pipe!

Quick question and kinda dumb but can we try for records in the class yet? I was thinking that just for the heck of it I'd take it to Flint and make a few passes just to establish a baseline speed for the class that you'll later put a whoopin' on. It would be cool to hold a record even if just for a short time or if you have a SAW event before then.
Quick question and kinda dumb but can we try for records in the class yet? I was thinking that just for the heck of it I'd take it to Flint and make a few passes just to establish a baseline speed for the class that you'll later put a whoopin' on. It would be cool to hold a record even if just for a short time or if you have a SAW event before then.
Ron, sorry, but there are no records for any class in the 1 year trial period. It would be cool for you to get some good times though so we will know what to shoot for!

Have you run it yet?

No, but it's close. I need a few things like an antenna tube and through-hull water fitting and want to mod the turn fin yet. I'll probably get an order in next week to Gary as I'm working on some others boats right now also, one Lazer 45 sitting in the basement and a Pro Cat on order.

I'm kind of waiting for one of your modded carbs right now also.

The good thing is that we've got open water now, at flood stage even! I could now run a boat where I normally park.

Walt's got a Stalker radar gun so we should be able to get some speeds later on when we get back up to the clubs lake plus videos.