Sponson bottom finish


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Ken Webb

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
What type finish is best on the bottom? Smooth and slick or dull and lightly scuffed.
I don't go to 600,. I do 400 block sanded and waxed.. and YES IT MAKES A BIG difference..

If this is a sport hydro do the same to the whole bottom of the hull.
Okay guys, this may sound like a dumb question but something about this has me confused.

I get the scuffing so that air is trapped between the bottom of the boat and the water. What has me confused is that, to me anyway, waxing the bottom after scuffing would appear to negate the effect of scuffing the bottom by filling in the air trapping grooves with wax. What am I missing on this? I've seen posts in the past that also say to not wax a boat as it will slow the boat down due to the wax rolling off the hull. Is this wrong as well? Not wanting to start an argument or anything, just curious
I use a spray cleaner wax on the whole boat. I've done without the wax. Never noticed the wax change anything.
No No,.. It's called R22 or something. It's an automotive detailing thing,.. Whether you wax or not... get all the edges as sharp as possible, and block sand to a 400,.. it makes a difference..

Even with the wax,.. the 400 sanded surface does not bead up,.. it's smooth and clean.. but not glossy..