Speed Records


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
Whats the idea behind engine rules when it comes to speed records. Full size boats and cars use whatever they can control so long as it remains in contact with the surface. I'm not saying to scrap all the work that has been carried out by people such as Andy Brown and the like but perhaps there should be a piston engine record and an outright record like an open record. I would like to see it go this way but perhaps with restriction on overall length to stop people from building boats that don't actually look like a model boat but would be closer to a full scale Litre Hydro with radio gear installed.

Any thoughts on this one?
Look at other speed records. At the Great Salt Lake for instance, there are land speed record classes for various motor sizes and types. Drag Racing, the same. NASCAR and others have Track records. Wouldn't it be nice to know that you have the fastest boat in a certain size and type?

Your second sentence is not true.

What do you mean "not true".

The outright speed record for boats and cars use jet engines once they had the technology to run them. Before jets it was big piston engines or rockets. What I'm saying is what is the reason for only using the engine sizes that we use for competition in oval racing and the like. Why is the restriction to 1.8cubic inche engines or the eqivalent? Or is this the "not true" part. (not meaning to sound arguementitive)
There was talk several years ago of creating a "superboat" class of RC boats where they were going to run like 8 foot long boats and twin engines...big engines. I for one am glad this has not come about. The potential for disaster is already considerable with the F class boats. As far as wanting to set an open speed record.....go for it. It only takes $$$ and a governing body such as U.S.A.C. or the U.I.M. to certify what you are doing. In 1960 a jet boat (36 feet long) owned by Guy Lambardo, was radio contolled up to a speed of 200 MPH, so I would say that you have your work cut out for you as far as setting an open record.

Lake S.P.O.R.T.,

This is exactly my point, 8 feet is to long and 36 feet is obsurd. "Model" being the operative word here. I don't mind a "superboat" class but it should be kept in accordance with reality. However I fully understand why it was never implemented.
I am a big fan of unrestricted racing myself. Formula 1 car racing is certainly not unrestricted anymore. Neither is F1 tunnel boat racing (they only run one kind of engine) NASCAR is nothing more than the WWF on wheels. Most race fans today are not RACE fans at all. They are just people who want and expect to be entertained by a "show". They banned the F1 "fan" car and the 6 wheel car which were both great ideas. In RC, a lot of it comes down to what sells.....what is marketable. The IMPBA does have a boat length limit for racing but I am not sure if that applies to records.
This is exactly my point, 8 feet is to long and 36 feet is obsurd. "Model" being the operative word here. I don't mind a "superboat" class but it should be kept in accordance with reality. However I fully understand why it was never implemented.
What I'm saying is what is the reason for only using the engine sizes that we use for competition in oval racing and the like. Why is the restriction to 1.8cubic inche engines or the eqivalent?
I think you answered your own question. The governing body kept "model power boating" in reality with the 1.8 cu.in. limit.

If you didn't break things into to classifications then there would be only one, "The world's fastest object". From the you go to land, water, or air. From there I guess manual or remote control. From the wind, electric, combustion powered. See where I am going?

Just stick with the 1.8. If somebody goes 140mph with a .12 then I am sure they will still be considered the fastest even though it wasn't a .90 or 1.00.
Somewhere in the IMPBA rulebook I believe is a size limitation. ASOMBA I don't think had one.

By not true, there are different classes that have their own records for most any type of vehicle. If anyone can break a record in an Unlimited class with whatever power is legal for that vehicle. We are held back right now in our restrictions in power, no ramjets for instance.

Why the size imit of 1.8 cu. in.? Good question. Would anything larger have to have a State registration? Safety concerns? Insurability? The Forefathers of the rulebook must have had something in mind when it was written.

In Drag Racing, for years everyone thought that a Funny Car couldn't be faster than a Top Fueler until John Force showed them the way. The T/F class got it back but John embarassed them for a while! :p

Who thought years ago that a 7.5 Nitro motor would be the fastest around? They thought that it was going to be something with twin .90's, 3-.60's or something else to hit the speeds that Andy has run.

140 MPH .12 boat, we can dream can't we Preston! That would knock some socks off!!!! :D

I'm not trying to be argumentative either, I love a good, lively conversation.
Lake S.P.O.R.T. said:
They banned the F1 "fan" car and the 6 wheel car which were both great ideas. 
They where both baned for safety reasons, there was many problems with 6 wheel cars and they never performed better than 4 wheeler.
Making "Objects" go fast is fun, but who wants to make them so fast we can't see them.

Is this fast enough? B)

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Preston beat me to it. LOL

Don't know which Back Wing you were refering too Tom, so take your pick. :unsure:
Thought about it Preston. :unsure: Already have some material. B)

Wow! the thought of it has got everyone seeing Double. :blink:
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Personally, I'm a front sponson man myself. I just love to play with the angle

of attack. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Mark Sholund